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Ask HN: How do I invest in the Bitcoin platform, not the currency?
6 points by infinii on Jan 22, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Rather than speculate on the currency. How does an average person(not a VC), invest in the Bitcoin technology centered around the blockchain? i.e. Bitcoin 2.0

The same way you invest in any new technology. Learn it, learn it well, and look for opportunities to apply it to make people's lives better.

If you want more than that, you're basically asking people to do your research as a startup-founder for you, so why would they do that rather than get rich off it themselves?

Methinks you've misunderstood me. If I had money to invest, how would I do so in this area? If I buy stock in Google, I don't learn search engine technology. When I buy Apple, I don't learn hardware design, etc.

Ah, so you have money that you would like to put down as a bet that the underlying Bitcoin technology will succeed, but not invest in Bitcoins themselves at the moment?

It's a little tricky since basically all Bitcoin companies are startups and so are only open to accredited investors. But one thing you could do is short the competition - Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover - on the public exchanges.

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