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I personally would love to be able to donate more to open source (specifically Postgres and some of its related projects) but I haven't found a way yet which meets my few simple criteria.

* The money has to specifically go to developers or development and testing related costs, not general advocacy or evangelism.

* It would be nice if donations could go into specific pools, eg in the Postgres example, I might be interested in contributing funds for performance enhancements but have no interest in logical replication.

* Variety of payment methods supported, with annual, repeating donations allowed.

Bountysource (https://www.bountysource.com) comes close, but rarely has many projects for funding.

Its surprising that in 2014, one of the best ways to supporting open source is still to select a company which does work on your favourite OSS project and buy a support contract or something, even though it's not a very efficient way.

Many open source projects that accept donations. Look for "donate" page or button. Look at homepages of projects you would be willing to pay to.

To be concrete, if you donate to tor, you can choose where the money will go.

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