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Design (UI/UX) can be learned as any other skill. All the necessary information is on top of your fingers at this moment :)

Do stuff as much as possible and focus on the output, e.g. look for quantity over quality. [0] It's important to have the proper mindset, so you have to learn how to ignore the frustration and how to fight your ego. The paradox here is that if you follow this approach, at the end you start producing more and more quality work.

Deliberately replicate other people's work. With the time you'll start noticing different patterns and trends and build on top of them your own ideas.

[1] Read psychology and have genuine interest in humans - why do we respond to given things, why these things work and experiment with them.

[0] http://www.amazon.com/The-War-Art-Through-Creative/dp/193689... [1] http://getmentalnotes.com/resources

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