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When I was young and I found this site, I thought it was the best thing in the world. In my head, I could throw out every other site because all the links are here first! Then I saw the comments, and it's very easy to feel like you're being informed on a topic when you see it has X upvotes (if it's this upvoted, it MUST be true!) when in reality, you have no position to judge the quality of a post because you don't know enough about the topic in the first place.

Now picture that, and then picture 1000 other people just like that upvoting a post, and the cycle repeats itself with every link on and on and on and on.

So the problem you have with Reddit is that the barrier of entry is too low? Join subreddits like /r/sciece or /r/askscience for hardcore 'truths' - they ban memes, etc.

Again, it seems like you just went out of your way searching for things to hate.

The fact you claim /r/science is for "hardcore 'truths'" kind of proves you aren't in a position to talk about this. :(

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