What's going on with the Udacity website? I've tried disabling all script blockers and it still isn't working, half the links do nothing. Even getting what looks like AngularJS code showing on the page. e.g. {{hovered}}
Seems it doesn't play well with DoNotTrackMe addon.
There is another one, more thorough, on coursera: https://www.coursera.org/course/hci , also based partly on Norman's book.
Is anyone able to compare them?
I've started reading the book. The self-promotion and anectotal evidence of bad design made it impossible for me to finish it. Nonetheless I'm looking forward to the course.
I read the book about fifteen years ago, during my Code Complete bibliography binge. I remember it every time I start the wrong burner on a stove.
After the Google-sponsored web game class, I'm a bit skeptical of Udacity's commercial tie-in classes. Loved the AI class that started it all, and really enjoyed Peter Norvig's Design of a Computer Program class, but the Google class? Not so much.
Not sure what to make of this class being only two weeks. I guess it's a relatively small investment, even if it ends up being an infomercial.
Not a terrible choice. Most people are free from school and work around this time. With the course being short, it should be doable during the holiday break.