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Amazingly, the website appears to be down again! https://www.healthcare.gov/

Looks like they had planned that downtime, but I wonder how messed up this whole project must be that they can't even manage to have a static maintenance page up!

It up for me. I was just able to register an account. After looking at all the steps to do that

1. This is already too complicated. ( why a username when you know I am going to need to use my SSN ) 2. This is not a complicated web app. I am now fully convinced that this could have been done with better results by anyone other then the government.

> why a username when you know I am going to need to use my SSN

The fewer times you have to enter an SSN, the better. Especially as username-type data is usually shown in text on the screen, might need to be read out over the phone, is vulnerable to phishing, etc.

> I am now fully convinced that this could have been done with better results by anyone other then the government.

But it wasn't built by the government. Do you think Obama asked for a username field?

It was built by a private contractor ie. your usual capitalist, profit-oriented enterprise IT company.

You've never built a system for the government I take it? You don't build these things in a vacuum, they approve and co-design the system, drive the technology decisions, require you to use "approved" technologies, ban the use of icky technologies because they aren't on the interoperability list (which locks you into a few vendors, the usual suspects, Microsoft, oracle, etc.), slap on all kinds of additional requirements, force you to use hardware from a cut rate vendor so they can make their 8A quota, and so on.

It's nothing like a private company building a system. It's more like being a peasant to a lord. Sure you can do what you want, as long it's exactly what they want to you, when, where and how they want you to do it.

Using this logic would allow the legislators and bureaucrats to escape all culpability by contracting out implementation of all policy. Unrealistic project goals, incompetent oversight, a complete lack of testing, and general unwillingness to adjust to failures are all factors which contribute to project failure.

Looks like it's down again.

It's up.

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