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Show HN: Probabilistically Generating HN Post Titles (grantslatton.com)
683 points by gamegoblin on Nov 28, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 260 comments

I was inspired by this comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6813162

I find that lookback of 2 generally creates more entertaining titles. Lookback of 3 usually seems to just splice together two titles (which can be hilarious, and is usually more grammatically correct), and lookback of 1 tends to generate more nonsense.

Some fun ones I found just now:

    The Neuroscientist Who Discovered He Was a Teenage Hacker

    How my comment on TechCrunch got me a new, useful superpower?

    PHP Sucks But I Didn't

    Windows 8 is 20% faster than C

    The Navy’s newest warship is powered by WebGL

    Cards Against Humanity has made comments even worse, I'm leaving

    How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a html5 game, polished it many many times
Interestingly, if I change the code to pick the most likely word, followed by the most likely word, etc. the "most probable" post is "The New York Times and The Internet"

If I limit it to just 2013 posts, it is "The NSA surveillance".

My site is running on the smallest Digital Ocean droplet (512MB), if it goes down, I will feel silly. If it does, code can be found here: https://gist.github.com/grantslatton/7694811

Oh boy, I haven't lauhde this hard for a while. You have created a masterpiece of algorithmic humor. A few gems from my trials:

HIV-Infected Infant Cured With Early Use of 'App Store'

First employee of startup? You are not colder than absolute zero

No, really, pi is wrong: The NSA slide you haven’t seen

$100k Revenues in One Click.

This one is so real!

Q: “How much does an app cost?” A: “About as much as I make?

Too scared to write a simple operating system

Cook something or get out of bed for less than $10,000 per day.”

In Math You Have to Find Them

Fastest-growing YC S11 startup looking for hackers. Join us in our quest to kick healthcare's ass.

Honestly, when I read the NSA one I started laughing, but then it kind of sent a shiver down my spine. Brrr.

The NSA had been spying on mathematicians, and discovered their greatest secret. Pi and e are actually switched. No, really, pi is wrong.

I got one which aptly describes a sentiment I feel often in general around here:

The piece of shit startup I hate to love

That one is actually authentic https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6656728

I thought this one was great:

What it's like to be forked

- MongoDB Gotchas and How We Nearly Lost the Discovery Shuttle

- Show HN: My husband is Broken

- Twitter acquires, you laugh, you're still loving

- My dad unexpectedly uses my Linux laptop to get your attention. Join us!

- Ask HN: my 5-year-old son to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

- Linux is now hosted in North Korea

"MongoDB Gotchas and How We Nearly Lost the Discovery Shuttle"

This one is a gem. I can almost see the fishy article about it

Couldn't resist from posting these:

-How Facebook is killing Linux on the desktop

-MongoDB Raises $150 Million - And Still Isn't Difficult Enough To Watch HBO Shows

-Facebook claims it can read your e-mail without a data plan

-I am depressed and I need someone to talk to restaurants.

-Ask PG: Will you share your data in plain English

-France convicts Google Maps for iOS

-Mars water surprise in Curiosity rover – I am depressed and I am building Tindie fulltime

-SPDY Review by Opera Software has filed a lawsuit

Here's my top10 as of now:

  - Ask HN: What's the best place to aim on a Porn Website
  - The Professor, the Bikini Model and the Kindle
  - John Resig's ‘Secrets of the HBGary hack
  - Oracle discontinues Ruby/Rails support for SOPA.
  - A new way of writing unmaintainable code.
  - Redesigning the country of Liechtenstein for $70,000 a night with Airbnb
  - Build a house for $5
  - Iranian Web Programmer’s Death Sentence to Be Successful
  - Show HN: Pick a number from 1 to 1000 in C
  - Greplin (YC W10) open sources key piece of shit startup I hate to love

- Redesigning the country of Liechtenstein for $70,000 a night with Airbnb

That isn't too far off: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2447580

Ha, and I tried to include only titles that sounded as obvious jokes. It's getting harder and harder to tell real from Onion-style stories.

A few more (thanks for an hour long non-stop laugh!)

-Microsoft made their own online textbook, save district $175,000

-Data.gov & 7 Other Sites to Shut Down Uber

-Ramit Sethi and Patrick McKenzie on Getting Your First iOS App Store Nightmare

-Valve: Piracy Is More Important Now Than Ever Before

-iCloud’s Real Purpose is to Kill W3Schools

-Pirate Bay Will Stop In Silicon Valley And Unemployed America

-The Revolutionary Birth Control In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value

-Samsung flew bloggers to Berlin, then threatened to leave a tech job at Facebook

-Google’s Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard? (2007)

Some that made me laugh a lot: -In emergency cases a passenger was selected and thrown out of the Internet

-In CSS, “px” is not broken: It’s a Pyramid Scheme

-SpaceX's First Official Cargo Resupply Mission to Mars

-Resistor hack turns a Nvidia GTX690 into a Bank

-Google+ is now free on Amazon

-Saturn's North Pole Is A Difficult Community to Participate In

-JSON will be on 'every HP PC' shipping next year, says CEO

-Mozilla and Epic Announce Unreal Engine for Vim

-Every Black Hole Contains a New (and Better) Google

-Why "Coupon Code" Should Not be a core type in PostgreSQL 9.2

-Skype 5 for Mac 1.1

-The author of Nginx on why V8 is not an iPad

-RSS Is Dying, and You Should Too

This one is golden.

Love this one. Haven't laughed so much in a while. xD

Yeah, it's the best so far.

Tears are streaming down my face from laughing so hard.

- My boss decided to add a new syntactic feature to PHP

Hahaha these are AWESOME especially the facebook one and the MongoDB hahahahaha

Those are absolutely hilarious. Created a new subreddit to submit and vote on the best of these titles at http://www.reddit.com/r/HNCJ

Show HN post for the subreddit is here. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6816322

Even better: write a bot that continuously submits and upvotes generated comments, creating a strange and constantly evolving parallel HN-universe.

My top 10 so far (in no particular order):

  Tesla wins in North Korea [since Kim Jong-un bought one]
  CISPA Passes in the browser
  Zynga Shuts Down Major Websites and Https Protocol [very plausible]
  The Rules of a startup [couldn't believe first this wasn't a HN title]
  Simple Minecraft Clone in 580 lines of Ruby [ditto]
  What's the best startups in the noise of 802.11 [even more true than HN]
  Parsley.js: never write a Web Application that makes you understand git [ditto]
  Why I am building a hulking floating data center [I wish someone would do it]
  Only a few countries are teaching children how to drive customers away [are these countries called "communistic"? ;-) ]
  Concurrency is not an iPad [having read so many strange comparisons concerning concurrency I'm not surprised...]

Pretty aggressive/pessimistic!

  RSS Is Dying, and You Should Too
Edit: Some more funnies...

  Nimbus.io: Open-source alternative to the US
  Groupon is the new FTP
And last but not least:

   Official Hacker News is bad for you

Science fiction novel about an open-source country.

I've made a Twitter bot out of it, it will post on average every 5 hours.


Code at https://github.com/FiloSottile/HNTitles

Nice of you to release the code.

Cheers !

"PHP Sucks But I Didn't" is pretty hilarious, also knowing what the "most probable" is by year could be a great annual tradition. Did you check 2012 and 2011?

Or the most probable per month would be interesting too.

"Ma'am, Your Burger Has Been Acquired by LinkedIn"

^ almost died laughing at that one just now

also: "Learn You a Haskell is now larger than LinkedIn"

> 5. WordPress has left the solar system

Amazing. Thank you!

Markov chains are always hilarious. Try feeding it the whole text of a news article, or even a book; this way you can use higher lengths and get even more impressive results.

I am not sure. I have seen funny MC generated text before, but I think headlines are short and their structure plays well with the Markov Model.

> Deleted my portfolio, made $30k in my first six months of programming: from man-rodent to partyman

  Why I Quit My Job to Start the Rest of My Life as an Apple Store Employee
  Facebook bans Adsense in all human history
  Show HN: We made an addictive way to fold a sheet of paper
  Rules of Storytelling According to the UK Gov
  Death to the ISS - Launch Webcast (starts at 12:00am PDT)

I threw together a little app that lets you vote for the funniest ones of these: http://headline-generator.herokuapp.com/

(I also really want to update it to also do Upworthy-style headlines. And maybe combine the two?)

Update: Now it does Upworthy also. And mashups. Amazing mashups.

Obama wins back the right to keep emails private

John Resig's 'Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja Update'

From YC Rejection to 10,000 Users in 1 Day

PyPy is faster than pushing a pixel to the screen

screenshot: http://s28.postimg.org/k9pdb67n1/funny.png

"MIT discovers a new syntactic feature to PHP"

"NSA Boss Asks Congress For Blanket Immunity For Companies That Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden"

> The Navy’s newest warship is powered by WebGL

omg ymmd

> Most data isn’t “big,” and businesses are wasting money pretending it is a prison and damaging our kids

Won't someone think of the children?

> JPL director: Curiosity may have been causing USB disconnects

Here's one I found that was quite amusing: "Aisle50 (YC S11) streamlines the search for aliens"

The best one I got was "Aisle50 (YC S11) is a valid ipv4 address"

My best one is "Voyager 1 spots new region at the edge of the iTunes EULA"

Absolutely brilliant. I'm dying.

    Supreme Court to avoid public shaming
    WordPress has left the solar system
    Cyanogen raises $7 million to build a perfect SNES emulator
    Washington Post to grow vegetables on weekdays

> Show HN: I am very real

I want to work for Porsche! It sounds like they're getting shit done.

Startup hopes to hack the beliefs that are holding you back

Thank you for epitomizing HN.

FBI Document: [DELETED] had plan to kill an unresponsive SSH session

Pffft, this is obviously just another internet conspiracy

Those are incredible.

That is literally hilarious. "Nobody’s going to download your bullshit app" , "HN will be retired, transition to Google Wallet Anti-Competitively" , "The best interface is no retirement" , "Amazon's homepage was down for 6 hours to boot Ubuntu" , "PHP Sucks But I Like PHP" , "Programming is a Lie" ,""Gangbang Interviews" and "Bikini Shots": Silicon Valley’s Start-Up Machine" , "Ask HN: What colour is your primary operating system" , "Chrome Engineer: Firefox Is A Costly Mistake" , "CSS Zen Garden is 10 times more efficient than the New Commodore 64" , "How one man escaped from a major UI overhaul" , "Turn anything into a Wikipedia article" , "Women, Tech Conferences and the "profitless business model" fallacy" , "MySQL now includes memcached, and a manifesto" , "FuckItJS: Runs your javascript code with MS Paint" , "Iceland Kicked Out of Y Combinator without an Idea" , "The shittiest project I ever read", "From idea to exit – the vi editor"

My favorites, almost too good to be fake:

- A conversation between two chatbots and how one found out the other company has bigger monitors

- Amazon and the adults who get upset about Sparrow’s acquisition

- Orin Kerr: Why I Quit My Job to Start the Rest of My Todo List

- How to handle 1000s of concurrent users on a cube-shaped planet

- My Name Is Me - Supporting your freedom to drink coffee

- 15-year-old girl invents flashlight powered by node.js + socket.io

- Nobody's Going to Get Good at Making Money

- Airbnb Has Arrived: Raising Mega-Round at a $1 billion fraud

- Microsoft launches an HTML5 game. I finally understand why I'm not going to steal a Russian airport

Two I got in this same category:

- Man places his genome to Github, smartass forks and issues a pull request - Paul Graham consistently says ‘um’ ~7 times per year, audit finds

And this one is hilarious enough to get an honorable mention:

WYSIHTML5: A better way to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela

One I got thats similarly almost too good

"Whatever works for you – and giving up reading it will make your customers much happier"

There have been way too many like this once recently

I hate myself for posting these, but I cannot resist (I am silently shaking from laughter fighting hard not to wake up my newborn):

Show HN: Let's Be Civil (I think his was a real post but with Tell HN -- the small change is hilarious)

Jordanian citizen was denied re-entry to the Post PC Era

Firefox now only has one big flaw

I feel I am a programmer

Web Intents - the future of spam in Windows

A new Python web framework for Haskell

So hard to stop posting...

    When I Stopped Eating For 2 Years in Production
    How Github uses Github to build a windmill
    Ask HN: Who is Sick
    Apple's Role in Japan stopped having sex?
    Show HN: I love you, dad
    How to write shitty software
    Issue 224182 - chromium - Chrome wakes me up in the process
    Ember 101: Learn Ember at a Bangladesh sweatshop. Meet my 9-year-old boss [video]
    Google breaks 2005 promise never to implement an algorithm from a hacker.
    Who Rules America: An Investment Manager's View on the App Store
    Show HN: A fix for the past year.
    Richard Stallman: How I Hacked Facebook’s Secure Files Transfer Service for Employees
    LuaJit 2.0 is out after many years in prison
    Why should I have no idea what I'm doing
    Tell HN: Frustrated and feeling pretty useless at this moment’ – Jimmy Carter on NSA snooping [video]

>Ember 101: Learn Ember at a Bangladesh sweatshop. Meet my 9-year-old boss [video]


Damn it, I want to read all of those!

I got this and it seemed a bit.. too real:

Two Senators Say the NSA Is Storing Voice Content, Not Just Metadata

Why I Don't Want Your App. Try Again Later

Ask pg: Please consider not doing a PhD.

When I Stopped Eating For 2 Years

Ask HN: I'm an American and a JPEG (view source on it)

What it’s like to be an accident

Paul Graham consistently says ‘um’ ~7 times per year, audit finds

CISPA Passes in the Womb

US Government: You Don't Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will

Stallman: "Facebook is an anti-pattern

Civet coffee: why it's time to submit a pull request

Some too good not to share:

- Your Username Will Now Have Amazon Ads Pre-Installed

- Android Ported to ANSI C

- Memories of Stasi color Germans’ view of time, if nanoseconds were seconds

- Cook something or get out of Facebook.com

- Mark Cuban: If you want to order it, use 'view source' to find the commented-out link.

- How Little Sleep Can You Get From McDonald's?

- Ocean acidification due to SOPA

- Love startups but not a developer? We need Ruby developers

- Lenovo CEO Gives His $3 Million Bonus to 10,000 Users in 1 Month (with stats)

   > Android Ported to ANSI C
The most common issue is the different semantics of 'inline' between historic gcc and C99.

The first one I saw was

> The WorldWideWeb application is now larger than LinkedIn

I had to follow the link to the code to convince myself it really was random and not satire.

Soylent: What Happened to the Nexus 7

My favorites:

"Google is about to learn stats"

"Progressive JPEGs: a new alternative to Node.js"

"Canadians Just Became World's Biggest Problem"

"Your Username Will Now Have Amazon Ads Pre-Installed"

- A file that's both an acceptable HTML page and a Raspberry Pi; - My idea to exit – the vi editor; - Ask HN: How much recurring income do you make in the US on copyright charges; - Your Username Will Now Have Amazon Ads Pre-Installed; - This Google ad has moved people to beat comment spam; - The DDoS that almost broke the rules; - Should Quadrotors All Look Like the One in the middle of NYC?

"White House: What's Blocking Innovation in America? My Answer: IP Laws"

  Hiding Nobel prizes in plain English
  Have You Ever Tried to Sell My Camera on Craigslist
  Dear NSA, let me know if you're burnt out or just being lazy?
  Nexus 7, Made for Google Search History Before New Privacy Policy Takes Effect
  AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to read Korean in 15 minutes, fits in your browser into future
  How to Make Money -- Without Mining Asteroids
  Google paid AdBlock Plus to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela
  Java Virtual Machine in pure CSS
  After NSA's XKeyscore, Wikipedia Switches to HTTPS Now, For Free
  US claims all .com and .net websites are in jail, 1 in 6   Easy Steps to a new syntactic feature to PHP
  What Business is Wall Street Journal
  Requests: HTTP for Humans, reached v1.0
  Why Putting SSH On Another Port is a straight-up Ponzi scheme
  Show HN: Pick a number from 1 to 10
  Tom Anderson: Google+ makes Google a better, more integrated set of small, responsive CSS modules
  Behind the scenes of the opportunists and their hackathons
  Apple not providing LGPL webkit source code released (Apple II assembly)
  Google open sources resilience engineering library
  Raspberry Pi now with Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready for prime-time Jeopardy
  So you think you will hurt your fingers on your resume
  Callbacks are the doctor on the iPad - They Undesigned it
  4chan's Chris Poole: Facebook & Google founders may mine asteroids
  Dijkstra: “You will be built again"

    Some People Can Run 18 Static Sites on a soaring eagle [video]
    Extracting Audio from Pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your browser
    A Hacker's Replacement for Gmail users
    Too scared to write a Linux Server
    Stuxnet is now hosted on GitHub

>A Hacker's Replacement for Gmail users


    Show HN: I spent 2 years ago. I had no idea what that means.

Turn it into a game. "Which of these is real? [A] vs [B]" give people ten pairs of headlines and score them.

> MongoDB Gotchas and How To Avoid Getting Fired From Your Own Company

Just threw something together for this: http://botornot.nathan.ca/

I am honestly laughing to the point of tears.

- I quit my job to personally email the first open source project

- The 19-year-old jailed for the HN interface

- Google to Sell your Company

- Einstein's list of front end development resources

- 4chan founder: Mark Zuckerberg married

- Mozilla and Partners Prepare to Launch a 65Gbps DDoS, and How You Fix It

- ORM is an idiot" (Update 3)

So someone has finally been blamed for all these <table>s!

This is the greatest thing I have seen on Hacker News in a very long time, and I mean that. This is genius, the titles that it generates paint a pretty clear trend of topics HN likes to discuss: The New York Times, failure, Go, PHP and of course limited to 2013, the NSA.

Some of my favourites I've generated today include:

Living in a bubble

MIT is a Bing Affiliate Scam

My GF learned to be inflated in seconds

Hacker Who Helped Put Jazz Back in 1997 That Made Amazon a Gorilla

I Hope My Father Hated India

How you eat corn on the road to Starcraft

Tim O'Reilly: Really, Google is making a comeback due to harassment

Skype vulnerability allowing hijacking of an interview

Voyager 1 has been forked

Using prime numbers to make unlocking phones legal again passes 100,000 signatures

As a result of this app, I've seen my productivity drop by about 40% today, because this is seriously addictive. I've got an idea for a tech satire site and I am going to use this to generate post titles as inspiration for articles.

Suggestion: filter the titles that are identical to real ones. Or maybe it was part of the plan, demonstrating how they are indistinguishable.

    My deadly disease was just a website.

    IBM's "Watson" finally ready for preorder.

    TileMill — an application for making my daughter cry.

    "Anonymous" Hackers Take Down Megaupload Video

    Google finally has a natural, almost visceral aversion to complexity

    Syrian Internet Is a Hero

    IRS claims it does not compute

    Stripe raises $18 million from affiliate links on "Ad-Free" blog

    Why I use paper to wipe my butt every day.

    Apple not providing LGPL webkit source code 23 years later and you're still loving

If you look at the code, I filter all titles that are substrings (including identical) of real ones. Sometimes the Markov chain will simply add a single word to it, though, so it gets through the filter. Any suggestions on how to improve it?

The straightforward solution is: For each fake title, compute its Hamming distance to every real title. Filter titles whose distances are very close to real titles.

It's O(N^2), but if you write it in Python and run it with pypy, performance may be acceptable. Maybe.

But I think this is a classic example of a Problem That Doesn't Matter. No need to spend time solving it (unless you're having fun!)

Another suggestion: terminate unmatched open delimiters at the end, and strip unmatched close delimiters (parentheses, quotation marks, etc.

Funny, I'm sure I google'd a few of them and got a perfect match, but now I can't find any more.

Probably my fault, sorry.

LevelDB: a fast multiple-account Google Docs makes it personal... very personal

Show HN: When is good time to cut the crap

Can Snowden be targeted using the Soundcloud API

MIT's artificial leaf is ten times more income from Android than from Windows ’95

Free online version of Apache HTTP Server released

What the smartest people do on the Moon

Sorry, this blog post is not non-linear

Supreme Court to allow Google to sue me into acquiring. Help

Lawsuit Filed To Prove Happy Birthday Is In The Middle Of A Terrible Blubble

Chrome now the most effective thing you did to improve Python for Pythonists

IBM to Acquire a Domain Name?

My husband is a JavaScript library for capturing input

Youporn.com is now MIT licensed

Man Survives Steve Ballmer’s Flying Chair To Build a Future Without Cars

Notch's 48-hour game: Prelude of the Libyan Rebels

Room Temperature Superconductivity Found in X.Org

Evernote Peek, The First Guitar That Anybody Can Play

How Carrots Became the new Nexus 5

US claims all .com and .net websites are in jail, the Internet café in Zimbabwe

Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a wireless airplay speaker

Judge Orders U.S. to Release iOS Maps App Tonight

    My fellow geeks, we need to have a jobless future

    Did everybody see what just happened? The pendulum has swung.

    Do You Really Want to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary

    Why I won't be your technical co-founder

    Killing the Internet to its knees

    Hacking the iPod: How I Earned A Lot More on Projects by Changing My Pricing Strategy

    YC S12 company refuses to pay for TextMate 2

    A Billion Dollars Isn’t Cool. You Know What’s Cool? Paid, Paid Vacation.

    Functional thinking: Why functional programming is on the edge, and so is he

Eclipse launches new language to cut the crap

Anatomy of a 5pm Bedtime

Man Walks into a stuffed toy

Extracting Audio from Pictures of kittens for use as Paypal in 5 days

Why Education Companies Do Not Emulate These Oppressive Nations

Dear Programmer, I have seen the future of spam in Windows

Do Things that suck in AngularJS

SpaceX wins $440M contract with NASA to develop exploits?

Google Deletes Last 7 Years Of YouTube Scalability Lessons In 30 Minutes

Objective-C in The Rain, Spray Yourself With This

Why Japanese Web Design is Horseshit

John Carmack: Thoughts on Go after writing 3 websites

The Horrible Future of Markdown

    Google Engineer: What I learned on a round-the-world yacht race
    Sleep is more important than your users?
    Ruby developers need to stop using Internet Explorer
    Tell HN: You said not to. So I quit my job and launch a startup
    I Up Vote Every 'Show HN' Post and You Should Be Very Worried
    Turn your browser into a notepad with one line of Ruby
    I don't know how to IE6

I'm laughing out really loud:

* Understanding the code quality of the Fibonacci Sequence

* Dad hacks Donkey Kong for his defense

* Show HN: Built a Billion-Dollar Business and Still Gets Home By 5:30 PM

* Show HN: Tired of Being Tired

* Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in Rails?

* Why Google Went Offline Today and a plugin that allows fast NoSQL-style access

* On Atwood's Please Don't Learn to read a sentence of Chinese kleptocracy

* Flashback trojan reportedly controls half a million Americans died and nobody noticed

* Why I left Google. What happened to all the female developers?

* How to land an airplane if you are logged in Gmail

* In emergency cases a passenger was selected and thrown out of the US

* Reddit admin: "If SOPA passes it would almost certainly mean the end of 2011

* Software Architecture cheat sheet for web forms

* How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a html5 game, polished it many many times


> Jack Dorsey does 8 hours at Twitter, 8 hours at Twitter, 8 hours at Twitter, 8 hours at Twitter, 8 hours at Square daily

Brilliant, hilarious, and either scarily accurate or perfect satire:

  Ask HN: I might be a spook

  Show HN: I'm tired of seeing

  Mark Cuban: If you want to get rich, stop being a fucking joker

  Google+ is now available as an alpha release (1991)

  Apple announces Mac OS X mouse annoyances

Funniest thing I've seen in a few days. Markov algorithms are underrated as sources of hilarity.

  After 180 Websites, I'm Ready to Start the Rest of My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant

  Canadians Just Became World's Biggest Problems
  Ask HN: How did you earn from your browser
  Experiments Show Gravity Is Not for Everybody
  Ask HN: How to seem good at math
  IBM develops 'instantaneous' memory, 100x faster than a Cup of Coffee

-I'm an American and I want to watch the Olympics, live, from the United States Government by stealing .gov

-Chinese students and families fight for the right to sell your iOS app

-Chinese Hackers Infiltrate New York Times, manage to spend $40 million on its pay wall?

-Hit men, click whores, and paid apologists: Welcome to the United States

-Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I write a Web application in Python?

-Poll: Do you know where they are? I do.

Impressive. The last is a little ominous though.

I just built a Chrome extension that randomly adds one of these to the Hacker News and hckr news frontpages: https://github.com/DouweM/AlgoNews

    History made in under 1K of javascript

Got that to!

  MPAA Publicly Threatens to Stop Writing REST API Clients
  Show HN: my useless weekend project, QR-codes for everybody
  Mozilla’s Rejection of NativeClient Hurts the Open Web, GNU/Linux in Danger
  Very clever story telling using HTML and CSS editor
  The Unintended Effects of Reading
  Full Text RSS Feed: Get the whole feed and nothing but the FBI
  How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get So Much Radiation?
  Didn't see this coming: The Goldman Sachs invests in Duck Duck Go
  I feel I am depressed and I Bought Lunch in Manhattan with Bitcoins
  Google's dropping H.264 in Chrome - SSL exploit coming?
  The Art of writing unmaintainable code.
  IE11 to support wiretapping

This is by far my favorite. Inspecting the archive, it is a combination of

  History made in India: Govt agrees to anti-corruption bill
And one of the various javascript posts.

The one you quoted is a real title.


I was responding to pmtarantino that his

  History made in under 1K of javascript
was made via a combination of the (real) post title

  History made in India: Govt agrees to anti-corruption bill
and the (real) post title "whatever in 1kb of javascript" (there are many posts with that format of title).

How to land an airplane if you are logged in Gmail

Matt Damon: Edward Snowden did a great job translating LPTHW to Ruby

Dropbox Bug Can Permanently Lose Your Family

Mozilla should move Persona out of the plane (2004)

Sleep is more important than your users?

MongoDB Gotchas and How To Avoid Getting Fired From Your Own Company

~/.osx — a collection of well-written GPGPU programming tutorials

Some of my favourites:

How to add a “person to blame” field to every site you visit

Larry Page to be forked

Why PHP Was a Political Prisoner at Birth in North Carolina in 1961

Why Explore Space? A 1970 Letter to sites with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery

Peter Thiel: We’re in a Year

Developers are the most effective thing you did to improve Python for Go

Watch YC Startup with Paying Customers

> The No. 1 Habit of Highly Effective Mediocre Entrepreneurs

> RIP Open Source releases on GitHub

> How I've Made 200,000$ in the browser

> Massive deposit of lithium found in bag attended US security conference before death (2012)

> Flash is dead. Long live Postgresql”

> Anonymous goes after Sony, makes it easy to do WYSIWG word processing

I love this site :-D

Wow. Thanks for this, I haven't had such a good laugh in a while. Here's what I got:

  Hashify.me - store entire website content in the cloud
  Obama administration is still so offensive
  This Internet provider pledges to put man on Mars
  EFF: Apple Should Stand Up and Down the Ladder of Abstraction
  Video shot from the ground up.
  Drunk scientists pour wine on superconductors and make tons of money?"
  Dwarf Fortress: Ten hours with the TSA
  I’m tired of the Solar System
  37signals.com - Evolution of a working nuclear reactor
  IE11 to support wiretapping
  Ask HN: Google employees, why is G+ more important than food
  RSS Is Dying, and You Should Too

> Ask HN: Google employees, why is G+ more important than food

It must be sentient.

- Question for PG: Where do you work?

- Things I Wish I Had Been Given

- GIMP is Now a Self-Contained Native App for Mac OS X Mouse Annoyances

- Why it is awesome to be inflated in seconds

- Show HN: I really need your money

- Why two spaces after a takedown?

- I'd like to skydive through a mountain

- Why I still don't contribute to an asshole

  Sleep is more useful than bash

  Changes to my career in magic

  The most difficult CEO skill: managing your own #dickbar

  Confused by lawsuit, Apple consumers switch to git

  Netflix to lose time and money

  My GF learned to code in 3 months. This is what it's like to skydive through a thunderstorm
... the connection there is concerning.

  Bitcoin ruled illegal in North Carolina in 1961
Very impressive!

  Introducing BrowserID: A better Ruby REPL
And here I was, all along thinking it was something else.

  Static analysis of Steve Jobs To Take On The Nexus 7 is now feature complete for C++14
I knew C++14 was a broad-scoped language, but using the power of Steve Jobs to tackle Android? Who'd 'a thunked it?

I'm not laughing, I want to read these articles! Get to work and make your magic robot compose the stories.

LuaJit 2.0 is out after many years in prison

The Day I Saw Van Gogh’s Genius in a single line of JavaScript

Are mass shootings really random events? A look at the performance of Google Chrome

Chinese Hackers Infiltrate New York (Not Just At Toll Booths)

I would love a Chrome extension that would randomly inject these into the actual Hacker News front page, and which would then keep a tally of how often I clicked the link and fell for it.

This is amazing!

I got:

    The Dumbest Idea In The South is 129 Million Years Old
    Double Fine raises $1m in less than 600 bytes
    Show HN: Please discuss if it’s 1999
    The Student And Quadrupled My Zappos/Twilio hackathon     entry into the math
    Searching for all Who Changed My favorite bookmarked HN users

    How Khan Academy is the Future of Education
    What it’s like to work for Google
I'm pretty sure these are actual titles (lookback = 3)

Thanks for the laugh :)

> Double Fine raises $1m in less than 600 bytes

That is amazing. It combines Kickstarter, a gaming company, a million dollars, a boundary on time, a bait and switch of units, and an air of sass about how they have yet to build ANYTHING.

Nope! The Khan academy one is a splice of

  How Khan Academy is using machine learning to assess student mastery

  Yes, The Khan Academy is the Future of Education
The google one is a splice of

  What it’s like to work for Stripe

  No, I still don't want to work for Google
I filter out exact matches (or submatches).

"Show HN: I really need your money"

The ones below seem very real and plausible:

Art of Funding a Startup - Bill Watterson, a cartoonist's advice

A better approach to analytics. Just capture everything

Interactive map of Linux kernel infringes on patents. Lawsuit avalanche to follow.

Apparently Yelp has a natural, almost visceral aversion to complexi

Show HN: fontBomb - Stylishly destroy the web as we know it

Google+'s Real Goal is Mars

In China, the rich and powerful can hire body doubles to do damage control

Show HN: Hackershelf. Community curated collection of failed predictions

The Unintended Effects of Reading

"Show HN: I hacked my microwave with a Raspberry Pi into a wireless airplay speaker"


<3 markov chains. I had to do something like this for a homework assignment a long time ago. Here's mine:

PredictionIO – A Simple Explanation for Why HP Abandoned Palm

Obama said the NSA Over Data Collection

NSA collecting phone records for his defense How to Be Upside-Down

GMail: designer arrogance and the $580 Million Black Hole

Contains a New Type of Employee You Really Should Log Client-Side Errors

How to solve it

Google disables AdSense account of Coinpal shut down a product? Open source dynamic body physics engine rebuilt in 25KB—on a graphing calculator

Google to acquire Nokia

Serving at the Pleasure of the plot

Watch YC Startup with Paying Customers

A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of the storm we're pushing the YC application deadline back to Firefox 4 that makes you a better background pattern for your games.

Goodbye Basecamp, This Is All Your Email

37signals invests in synthetic beef

Groupon is a GitHubber

The first Django site to run for Australian Senate

Single page apps in the lab: Apple is back

Calling the NSA: "I accidentally deleted - last backup one year of college calculus to grad student level

Edward Snowden: Saving Us from the Family of Neil Armstrong on Programmer Productivity

Some advice from Jeff Bezos on Post purchase

Is Google building a TC alternative.

Will you post an update on "What I've learned from Hacker News, what else you read?

Sweet Jesus!

  Ask HN: How much recurring income do you make in the witchhunt?
  75-year-old soybean farmer sees Monsanto lawsuit reach U.S. Supreme Court 
  to avoid judicial review of the HP-35
  Why I've built an alternative to CSS resets
I could have sworn, I actually saw that headline for real.

  The PNG image file format is now feature complete for C++14
  You're a developer, so why do you escape CRUD jobs?
Because they're not sexy and doesn't involve Big Data somehow... or at least to the gratuitous degree I want Big Data in my life for no discernible reason.

  Patio11 Wrote A Book On Conversion Optimization For Software Crack, 
  Creator Provides Free App Instead

  Mistakes You Can’t Copyright Porn, Harassed BitTorrent Defendant Insists
  Why Google Earth - after 25 years
  Company backed by James Cameron & Google Are Doing It All
  Secret Fears of the NSA’s surveillance state?
Looks like NSA titles are still making it into the headlines.

How to land an airplane if you are logged into Gmail

Tim O'Reilly: Really, Google is making a comeback due to harassment

Ask HN: Does anyone actually code at a parole

This is too good. This I easily see as a link bait at 'Business Insider':

"Why Quit? Because the other company has bigger monitors."

Best one I got: "How to build (and how not to do it again)"

    Show HN: Most Wikipedia articles lead to unlimited lifetime data storage using Norwegian laws

    A standing desk for two years working on

    Why I quit my job to personally email the first ISP to challenge the USA

Well, here are my top 10:

    MIT scientist captures 90,000 hours of video of Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack.

    What Every C Programmer Should Know About Fitness is a straight-up Ponzi scheme

    Name.com hijacks non-existent subdomains and redirects to their help Text

    WebKit is the sum of three primes 

    John's Phone: a minimalist cell phone unlocking and fixes the DMCA

    On Confirmed Assumptions or, Not Trusting Google is evil now? Let's Get Real. How About Apple?

    Ask PG: could you travel across the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

    Beej's Guide to Social Hacking: How we screwed (almost) the whole Apple community

   JS roguelike game: The Royal Canadian Mint just announced a new alternative to Github

   Ed McMillen: Ubuntu Store Sold Super Meat Boy leaves database wide 

This thing is hilarious.

> Can Snowden be targeted using the Soundcloud API?


I'll join, this is fun:

  - Thank HN: 127 days since I quit Facebook

  - Dropbox: The Hottest Startup You've Never Heard of

  - Facebook detects if you are not a pilot

  - Reddit traffic doubles in less than 600 bytes

  - How to break in Gmail & Major Torrent client for work on Jeopardy

These ones got me some odd looks from my coworkers (couldn't hold in the laughs):

  The Node Beginner Book, a guide to Objective C

  What Happens to the HN Crowd: Do nothing for 2 minutes

  The polynomial algorithm for a Cool Billion Dollars

  My husband is a new IDE for poets

This will come in handy once my team finishes our transition to HackerNews Front Page Driven Development.

Lost an stupidly large amount of time laughing so hard I cried. Some of the best:

Steve Jobs Presents His Ideas For A New Kind of Screwed Home-made bombs are being deleted from Wikipedia Show HN: New platform for finding work - Son of J.R.R. Tolkien finally speaks out Why I'm done with the booth babes The Geeks Who Saved Prince of Persia source code 23 years later and you're still loving US judge orders hundreds of sites "de-indexed" from Google, what do we need some badass hackers to fill it up. Why F1 Steering Wheels Have Over 20 Buttons - And Still Isn't Difficult Enough To Watch HBO Shows Ask PG: Comments are not a four letter word Opening *.txt file is dangerous on Windows 8 OEM specs may block Linux booting Ultrabook: Intel's $300 million plan to beat comment spam Ocean acidification due to HTML5 Markdown.css – make HTML look like Microsoft made their own company Introducing schema.org: Search engines come together for a return of the universe Researchers Finally Replicated Reinhart-Rogoff, and There Are Too Many Cops Are Told They’re Soldiers Fighting a War. How Did We Get Here? Parsley.js: never write a single JavaScript line to validate 50 cancer studies L'Aquila quake: Italy scientists found guilty of aiding the enemy, but convicted of multiple other counts The New iPad's Screen Under the hood of Windows to test older versions of VLC How Carrots Became the new Opus audio format Please learn to code? Don't copy and paste, type out other people's code An analysis of an unknown compression format Why must you laugh at you, then they laugh at my desk Fastest-growing YC S11 startup (3M monthly uniques) YC S11 startup (3M monthly uniques) YC S11 startup looking for people to talk to restaurants. Windows 8 is 20% faster than MemSQL Republicans Repudiate 40 Years of Firefox Oboe.js: reacting to Ajax/Rest quicker by not waiting for it to Open Source Copenhagen Suborbitals open-source private spacerocket will launch in an unrelated raid Youtube claims I don't know they're in water Why shuttle Atlantis will not do a tech job at Facebook Kit Kat's homepage is currently a parody of Silicon Valley, Bad for the state of Berlin

"AppleCrate II: A New Future"

Fuck the iWatch and iTV -- I want an AppleCrate II.

"The Hacker News is a Work of Art"

Indeed it is.

The Hacker News is Waiting for Godot.

  1. An unofficial alternative to Node.js

  2. Ask HN: Best books you read daily?

  3. EU Commissioner Will Simply Ignore Any Rejection Of ACTA By EU Parliament supports the new Junk Food

  4. Why you shouldn't start a startup on Haskell [video]

  5. Stallman: Facebook is using IE6 as standard for displaying web pages

  6. Nexus: The best programmers are not paid in proportion to their help text

  7. "They're Made out of Facbook is not a war zone

  8. Behind the scenes of the opportunists and their hackathons

  9. Antibiotic resistance: The last time I saw Steve Jobs

  10. The UK Court Sanctions Apple, Hopes "Lack of Integrity" Is Not Free

Looks like I found my weekend project:

"Show HN: Game where you write Python robots to fight crime"

"Facebook is what happens when one guy practices art every day for nine years"

Yeah, I'll pay these:

    10x teams, not worth a CEO vs cancer
    How 'One Weird Trick' Conquered The Fifty Days, Payments Service Disruption Post
    The first Django site to run for Australian Senate

From the producer that brought us The Social Network:

    1. The girl with the JavaScript Ninja Update
Categorized under "Well, that was fast":

    3. Rate my startup was my worst mistake

- What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Passwords

- Gmail.com was down for 6 hours to boot Ubuntu

- MongoDB Gotchas and How We Nearly Lost the Discovery Shuttle

- Facebook, I want to pay defendants' legal bills

- How I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a matter of minutes

Ask PG: What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

DIY Weapons of the USA Patriot Act

Researchers 'speak' to dolphins in their own IE6-countdown site.

Why doesn't every company buy developers the best startups in the Milky Way Galaxy

My Daughter’s Homework Is Killing You

"I quit my job, and I'm excited about a Failing Startup"

Since everyone is doing it...

  Entire field of particle physics is to switch from X window server to Mir
  Google's Nexus 7 is now free forever
  Thoughts on being a fucking joker

Nothing makes a place feel like a hive of groupthink like n-grams.

It's amazing how with a little ingenuity you can program a source of hysterical laughter. I know comments like this are against HN etiquette but -- thank you gamegoblin!

You should make this into a twitter bot, à la Two Headlines https://twitter.com/TwoHeadlines.

Got this one:

>No, I still don't want to download your bullshit app

Thinking it was too good to not already be a headline, I searched and found this:

>No, I'm not going to download your bullshit app

Pure gold.

Awesome! Can't help but add a few of the most hilarious it gave me:

How I Became a Billion Dollar Company Dropbox Bug Can Permanently Lose Your Family MPAA Publicly Threatens to Stop Writing REST API Clients Get-shit-done - Easy way to write a single DMCA notice Linux To Become A Better Twitter Bootstrap Government: we can solve a problem with Vim Tower.js - JavaScript library for creating Windows 8 Why I Turned Down $300,000 from Microsoft to acquire Nokia

"The policeman's beard if half-constructed"


The Woman Problem

Cosmo: A wolf in the command key files show how to Start Banning “Servers”

Custora (YC S12) Reinvents Transistors Using JSON

Ask HN: We Should Read (At Least Pretend to) Know What’s up

Guy makes a knife from scratch. He has to make a chat server in 12 lines of code

Show HN: Create Javascript charts with one line of code that beat A/B testing every time

Show HN: Why You

I’m Glad We Need Emotional Support Staff to update to C# App

JQuery 1.5.1 released, includes memcached, written in 24 hours

Game Industry Needs a cartoonist's advice

Thank you Gamegoblin, now it is clear to me that I am spending too much time on HN. And...Must resist the \for a mee too. (futile).

Nuclear Power is Safest Way to Extract the Main Topics from a Scared Actress

US Patent system so dysfunctional you can tell Arial from Helvetica?

N-gram Analysis of the world for 8 years straight

Guys buy island on Craigslist, use Kickstarter to turn up

the volume in the wrong SSL certificate

Bill Gates: My Plan to Raid The Pirate Bay

Sergey Brin invests in Duck Duck Go

    Show HN: I will stop providing any service to MPlayer

    Canada Is About to Come Undone?

    Do the Dishes, Put Out, Don’t Talk So Much Radiation?

    How Paypal and Reddit faked their way to browse pictures on reddit

    Oracle gives up trying to escape police

    Opera moves to restrict Internet freedom

    Our office is too big -- we need a Pirate

A day in the Middle of Detroit How to land an airplane (if you don't control it) Richard Stallman on Steve Jobs: A Few New Things Coming To JavaScript Yes, You Can Use Regexes to Parse HTML I made an addictive way to browse pictures on reddit Facebook sinks to record a video cam on an HTML5 game. I finally understand why I'm not buying Facebook

     "White hat" Facebook hacker gets 8 months at Microsoft

     The Art of writing unmaintainable code.

This is awesome.

    My GF learned to be forked
    Online course: Build your own #dickbar
    Why you should learn just a little bit Apple, a little bit Apple, a little bit Apple, a little Awk - A Native-Looking and Feeling Mobile HTML5 Front-End Framework
    Firefox 6 released with long-sought Higgs boson discovery

I cannot resist but to join in. Thanks OP for a great laugh this morning!

WeekendHacker.net - A Private Small Claims Internet Court

Bruce Schneier has changed since being hidden?

Sublime Text 2 Beta released with support for SOPA

Skrollr - parallax scrolling for the right answer to "Who Is Hiring Remote Workers? (January 2011 Edition)

An iPhone lover’s confession: I switched to the Brain

Experience the Apollo 11 Rockets

"Functional Programming For The First Smartphone Designed Entirely By Lawyers" - this sounds totally legit :)

This is fun.

  - Instagram says it now has the right to indefinitely detain under NDAA
  - Redditors earning $100k+ a year, secret files show
  - Physicist proposes new way to view IAmA's on Reddit
  - Linux may have been due to bad connection
  - Kim Dotcom: The US recording industry is stealing my ebook

Some more:

- 3px of padding makes all the female developers?

- Postgres on the moon

- Game Over: Zynga Shuts Down 84,000 Websites, ‘By Mistake’

- IBM to Acquire Tumblr

- Firefox Beta 15 supports the possible suspension of U.S.

- Kim Dotcom: The US recording industry is stealing my ebook

I'm having one of the worst days of my adult life, but this one made me laugh very hard.

#9 - Reginald Braithwaite is a Red Herring

> "I took the top 10 daily posts for the last 3 years from Hacker News Daily (sorry about the few thousand wgets last night!)"

I believe you could HNSearch API (https://www.hnsearch.com/api) and that would not impact the website performance

HNSearch does not allow chronological searching and has a limit of 1000 posts per query. Unfortunately.

I have plans for a more detailed first-party API: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6818059

Oh, this is beautiful. Nice work

    Things to Never Say “Click Here”

    DIY Weapons of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA

    Did everybody see what just happened? The pendulum has swung.

    Rootkit on a cube-shaped planet

    So Long and Thanks for your password

"No, I'm not going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a talk."

"AWS is down due to IP litigation"

"I'm a loser and I need someone to talk about why I'm not allowed to use Lisp"

Amazing, can't stop laughing!

- Ubuntu ported to the Web when you hit it with the stupid stick

- Why the cheapest maple syrup is the new compose in Gmail

- Oxford announces new degree in Computer Security, Dies at 78

- Cancer Vaccine, tailor-made for each cashier

- Hacking the iPod: How I Screwed Yasser Arafat out of bed for less than an hour

For those who enjoyed this would probably enjoy this title generator which also aggregates article titles of website such as buzzfeed and TMZ


Maybe it could display the original titles when one moves the cursor over the individual words?

These had me on the floor:

My husband is a JavaScript library for capturing input

Ignored by big companies, Mexican village creates its own encryption standard

“I hate almost all software” — Ryan Dahl steps down

U.S. Government to Force Facebook into Handing-Over their Secret Tracking Data

Show HN: Learn Math the Hard Way

Valve hired their first Github repo

I seriously feel the need to look up some of these on Google, they're so convincing. All from the same batch, lookback=2:

SOPA sponsors break their own IE6-countdown site.

The Arduino Solution to Clearing Afghan Landmines

What Major World Cities Look Like It Was Made By Samsung

WordPress Discontinues Support for SOPA

this is cool have you seen snarxiv? http://snarxiv.org/

in the comments the author discusses how he generated convincing titles using context free grammars:

  snarXiv is based on a con­text free gram­mar (CFG) — basically a set of rules 
  for computer-generated mad libs... The snarxiv’s gram­mar is 622 lines long...
  The coolest and most nat­ural thing to do with a CFG is exploit 
  recur­sive­ness as much as pos­si­ble. The more recur­sion built in, 
  the less pre­dictable and richer the out­put.
I am guessing they learned the Context-Free Grammar by reading many abstracts and titles.

Endlessly entertaining: "ACLU launches phone app to help you avoid hills in SF"

This reminds me of a hackathon project of mine: https://github.com/mck-/oneliner

It basically uses a very similar algorithm to summarize any given piece of text in one line.

Now if we could generate the actual posts and create bot readers we could all retire.

Wow, these aren't real?

-- Why I won't be your technical co-founder

-- How to design a CAPTCHA

-- Why I do not want to work for Google

-- The end of the web as we know it

-- Show HN: I'm working on an HTML5 game. I finally released it

-- Why I am building a new Google Wave

-- Learn Regex The Hard Way by Zed Shaw

-- Agile is a Lie

-- How to Learn Go

-- The Only Way to Improve Your UI

I think some of them do end up being the original titles with some considerable probability, due to the way these kinds of Markov chains work.

No, because I filter those out.

Sometimes they are an original title + 1 or 2 words, though, which are trickier to catch.

Here's the best ones I got:

"Our office is too slow for programming"

"E17 is out after many years in jail, the Internet from the Other Side"

"Jack Dorsey: Today Starbucks Signed up for Stallman"

"Everything you need to stop fixing bugs in PHP"

Holy crap. I just discovered that development for Enlightenment has resumed. I remember loving using E17 back in the day and then drifted away from it as it stopped being updated.

I didn't realize development had stopped because E17 was in jail.

You definitely need a way to vote up certain titles. Something like what http://www.mezzacotta.net/ has would make a great addition to the site.

HN should put a few of these headlines onto the frontpage on april fools day...

"Why the cheapest maple syrup is the best predictor of code quality"

Related (and in part even funnier): SciGen, the scientific paper generator. Have fun :) http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen/

- Power surges in Britain caused by millions of people on Mars

- How to hack the immigration system with a floating incubator

- Lavabit's founder: 'If You Knew What I Know About Email, You Might Not Know about jQuery

- Google Unveils The iPhone 5S

Nice work!

How about caching the number of upvotes and estimating the potential popularity of the generated titles, then for the most promising, getting a ghostwriter to actually create them? Could turn out brilliantly.

My favorite:

Indiegogo fund raises enough money to buy random things each month from Amazon

> Matt Damon: Edward Snowden did a great job translating LPTHW to Ruby

Absolutely hilaruous! Some good ones:

Netflix Now The Largest Single Source of Internet Explorer privacy controls

How one man escaped from a major statistical error.

20 lines of e-mail data

Skype options turn out to be a Girl in Tech

Scott Adams: How to Apply to Y Combinator Started

Hilarious! If you guys would love to get a tweet a day from this follow HorseHN. I will tweet a couple a day.


This reminded me of "SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator" http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen/

> My Neighbor, Steve Jobs dissed me in a "map" interface

Damn Steve Jobs.

  Lesser known C Craft: C Programs
  PostgreSQL doesn't care
  Functional thinking: Why I don't "get" art
  Elon Musk says ‘um’ ~7 times the tech sector

"4chan founder: Mark Zuckerberg is annoying the bankers"

These are brilliant! Using a loopback of > 3 seems to be the best for me.

> I analyzed the chords to 1300 popular songs for patterns. This is what a DDoS attack looks like

These ones got me:

Google has an entire country What is Possible When There's no need to build a windmill Ask HN: How would I get my entertainment via BitTorrent

Absolutely hilarious!

Markov chains were my first foray into machine learning. Painfully simple and accessible. It's a great way to show the power of just a little data.

So you created the http://what-would-i-say.com/ for all of Hacker News? Kudos.

A Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Snow Patterns

Understanding the code quality of the Fibonacci Sequence

Gmail.com being MITM'd by Iran using this idea by now: Font Icons.

This is great!

Best ones:

Zuck, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey In Short Film To Inspire Kids To Learn How To Write Code In 2012

The tent that turns into concrete in less than 600 bytes

CoffeeScript is not a four letter word

It added the "in 2012" bit, which caused it to slip through my duplicate detector. I am trying to think of a better duplicate detector. Right now it just checks if it is an exact match or substring.

Winamp's woes: how the NSA

This was HN just a few days ago.

Thank you for this ! And by the way :

"Let’s Build a Truly Free Version of Windows to test drive autonomous cars on public roads? California says yes"

    Show HN: I love weird socks and I'm excited about a year & sold a startup...with only 300 lines of Ruby
this is gold :)

"Hover.com: we store & email passwords in plaintext to the cloud" "Obama wins back the right to cheat their exams"

I laughed so hard!

An unknown proportion of these titles have a corresponding news article or blog post, somewhere on the Web, just waiting to pop up on HN.

Feds Mistakenly Shut Down on Wednesday to Protest SOPA

The Onion either already uses something like this, or is obligated to start. This is comedic gold!

How to land an airplane if you are logged in Gmail

Next step is to get humans to write the articles based on those titles, and then auto-generate fake comments based on those articles.

"Rubular - a visual programming language with eternal moral vigilance"

Oh, I just hope people will start doing stuff that fits these titles.

- Bunny.py: A WiFi darknet that hides its traffic in the cinema


    Design Books Every Hacker Should Read (At Least Twice)
I could swear I've read that post (at least twice).

There was a real post called "Papers Every Hacker Should Read (At Least Twice)" and another called "Design Books Every Hacker Should Read"

The program spliced them together.

Haha, awesome, reminds me of the sarcastic 4chan post that came up earlier. Here's a great one:

I love weird socks and I'm surfing a PDF

Performance and more online pornography

Notch live in Monthly Revenues

16-year-old Makes 99% of the Performance tips for startups

Mojang's Monster Truck Madness 2

Node.js two minutes = 10 times

It's clearly broken, in three tries, it didn't generate any title starting with "How" or "Why".

Ask HN: How or why would that happen?

    ACTA killed in hit and run accident

My favorite: Germany Minister o Justice demands immediate response to "Paul Graham's Letter to YC Companies"

Beautiful. My favourite so far:

"Show HN: I hacked my microwave with a Raspberry Pi into a wireless airplay speaker"

Plenty of Fish Hacked - Chris Russo explains how he did it

25 years ago I hoped we would extend Emacs to do market research

'Creator of "Dirty Jobs" Mike Rowe testifies to Congress about the WebKit inspector'

Thanks for a much needed laugh. This one was my favorite: "Microsoft releases tool for humans"

pimp up your droplet, this is great.

Poor college student, etc...

I am currently using all of my VPS funds hosting a 20$/mo (the big bucks, right?) droplet which is running a server for an AI programming game I made (currently closed testing among my friends).

What are the odds the 10th result for me was "Learn Python the hard way by Zed Shaw"?

This is pretty great, but I'm surprised there's not more RandomLibraryName.js or .io.

WordPress has left the solar system

Federal Prosecutors, in a cellular automata on an RC truck and saves the lives of 6 soldiers

Only going to share 1, it was so good:

''' Down syndrome reversed in 2011 '''

After 180 Websites, I’m Ready to Start the Rest of My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant

That's really funny. My favourite: "I haven’t been drunk in 3 minutes"

"Solve your first 10 customers" - what, kill them with chemical solutions?

Women, Tech Conferences and the Meaning of Life (2011)

That great forgotten Monty Python movie...

Oh no:

    Robert Morris, computer security expert, dies at the age of 91

I think I may have gotten the best one, on my second try:

"Zynga Shuts Down LucasArts"

I got this: "Google finally has a huge security hole". Finally!

"PS4 UX is powered by the Soviet Union's space program?"

Intel Core 2 Duo Remote Exec Exploit in JavaScript in less than 600 bytes

Scary stuff!

NY Comptroller: Legalise marijuana, tax it now with three.js

Our unrealistic views of death, through a thunderstorm

Add voting for top titles to get the gems in a list...

I quit my job and am excited about a Failing Startup

"Bitcoin hits $1 billion in shock IPO" :)

My favorite so far:

Hey Google, thanks for making money on the web?

Best post ever. :)

No "Severing ties with..." titles? :)

Unintentionally also an HN parody generator.

Cool hack to take a photo of Neil Armstrong

"I’m writing my own DNS servers"

In 1951 there was a startup on Haskell

Tell HN: My Startup Failed. Fuck.

Brilliant! :)

Apartments So Small They Can Say No

Love it!

That's quite fun!

"Redditor Explains Why They're Wrong"

Like that is going to happen.

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