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I got Ghostery installed, the page loads and then suddenly the text of the article is removed.

I know I know, I just shouldn't use Ghostery but I like to have a little privacy online.

Sorry I won't return to your site again...

Hey, thanks for pointing that out, that's the second time I've heard that recently. I think Ghoetery is getting a little over-excited and hiding the parent element containing Disqus which also contains the body of the post. I'm going to take a look at how to rejig the markup so that this doesn't happen in future.

It's a stupid interaction with Disqus. I don't think it's the site's (troyhunt.com) fault because the text of the article is all in the original HTML of the page. It is Ghostery and the way it blocks Disqus that causes the article to vanish.

Err, we've got a bug in Ghostery 5.0 for Disqus specifically that will be fixed in 5.1. Its related to click-2-play, so you may either disable it in Ghostery advanced options, or unblcok disqus on the site.

Don't use Ghostery because they're tracking you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostery#Criticism

Try disconnect.me or blacklisting the sites directly from the hosts file.

I think the wikipedia entry is pretty clear that its an opt-in program that requires the user to check an option in the setup or options of Ghostery.

As far as other products, heres a handy chart we generate monthly to see which extension protects better: http://www.areweprivateyet.com/

I kept using ghostery because I didn't know of any alternative and sometimes I can't install adsuck. (which is is better than a huge hosts file. An oversized hosts file can have a negative impact on DNS and overall network responsiveness).

Thanks for disconnect.me, I'll give it a shot :)

> An oversized hosts file can have a negative impact on DNS and overall network responsiveness

how many hosts entries would you say it is before the negative impact is significant? 20? 100?

disconnect.me is also FOSS.

Thanks for the heads up on this. I thought I had read something about that in the past, but I couldn't remember what it was exactly.

Going to go have a look at disconnect.me now.

I've been getting that too on a number of sites. After reading the replies to this, I see it's ghostery being a bit too eager.

I'm going to give disconnect.me a try and see how that works out.

Try using Readability. Even if ghostery blocks the content after it loads, Readability will just format it and show it to you, without sending data to Disqus et al.

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