I see nothing in this article that proves that the meat is unfit for human consumption. In fact, it seems that the meat was within FDA guidelines in residual ammonia levels post-wash. Now, is eating animal trimmings savory? No, but the patty is also extremely cheap, and I don't think most people who eat McD's harbor many illusions about the quality of meat that they are getting.
Some time ago I saw the documentary "Food Inc." where they show this process with ammonium hydroxide and ignorant as I am about the food processing industry, I was negativey surprised.
There is still more going on and although the documentary may be a bit sensationalist, if just 10% is true it's still appalling what the industry is doing to cut the costs. And I wonder if impact on human health and environment can be good in the long run.
But at least for me it made a difference, I think about what I eat and I try to choose organic, locally produced and less pre-processed food. Probably I'm imagining things, but I feel better, have more strength and being less tired after work.
My partner had the idea to try an old-fashion "startup" for ourselves as soon as we can get a piece of land. With chickens (eggs), beekeeping and growing vegetables, we can hopefully take a step further away from the processing industry.