I often think about this, but at this time still prefer not using a third party for comments, especially on a site where the comments are so important.
Yep, I agree with you regarding third party comments for the most part, but I think by using Disqus there could be way less friction for account sign up in some circumstances.
In my case, there's another site that I frequent that has a huge Disqus community, but it is desperately in need of social bookmarking functionality. I'm considering launching an independent site to provide it.
It was my first major Flask app and I mostly wanted to build it to learn. I definitely recommend this as a good learning application. Its complex enough you need to put in some thought but do-able at the same time.
Grazie! I posted most of the initial links myself and showed the site to some friends before posting to HN. Very surprised it made it to HN homepage — maybe people are interested in Persona (I know I am)?
Thanks for letting me know about datanews and sharing the source. I like Python and Django a lot and want to try something with Flask, too.
Quick plug: if you want to launch your own HN clone about food or anything else, you might also want to check out Telescope, an open-source HN/Reddit-style social news app: http://telesc.pe/
+1 telescope is incredibly easy to set up for an HN clone. Run in on a heroku cluster for free too. Thats what I'm doing with http://www.hackb.io/. Check it out for a live demo.
I also should have figured out what was wrong with memcache before publishing. Server seems to be taking a beating right now. If it goes down, my apologies — working on it.
Maybe you want to use the triangle, that was featured on HN a few days ago :) -- http://codepen.io/chriscoyier/full/lotjh
Is the source available for this anywhere? I would love to see some of it.