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I've been looking forward to this release. Not because I want the blogging platform, but to take a look.

In the node world, it's easy to find reference code on libraries and modules, but I always fail to find a source of some practices further developed than todo lists. It is not about the code (which as far as I have looked is Ok), but about tying technologies and practices together.

Here, we got a node express backend with handlebars as the templating engine, defined grunt tasks, some unit tests and backbone on the client.

I am really looking forward to keep diving as the project progresses!

Check out issacs npm-www[0] too. I found it helpful for trying to learn how to get things done sans express.

[0] https://github.com/isaacs/npm-www

I used this a bit :). I think everyone should make their own frameworks from scratch so they know exactly how it all works.

By the end of it you might, like me, just continue with your own framework (when you can of course).

> Here, we got a node express backend with handlebars as the templating engine, defined grunt tasks, some unit tests and backbone on the client.


Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm something inbetween disgusted and amused by this soup of JS libraries and buzz words. I feel like I'm gonna vomit while laughing.

Yes, libraries have names. Names are meant to represent and be used to refer to these libraries. The same could apply to any web project in any language:

Here, we got a python flask backend with mustache as the templating engine, defined fabric tasks, some unit tests and backbone on the client. CPU sensitive tasks are handled by Celery or RQ, on Redis or RabbitHQ.

Maybe you would prefer:

Here, we got <Insert your language here> , with no templates, some bash scripts to build the project, no unit tests and a half-assed mess of javascript spaghetti code tied together on the client.

I must ask, if you do build websites, how do you (or if you do):

- Use a framework

- Use templates

- Minify and build assets

- Test your code

It's been many years since we have moved from frameworks that do everything, to small libraries that do one thing and to it well, sometimes opinionated or not. For me, choice is better.

It is always a good pass time to look how people build their projects, compare it on how you are doing it, and decide if you can learn something from that. I might be wasting my time, and your comment was just an opportunity to bash on a language or community. I could not care less, as I have no cards on this game. Just use whatever works for you.

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