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I'm not really seeing the point of this per se. Bootstrapping something that's already called Bootstrap? And then having to bootstrap that to make it unique?

Yeah I guess this is the one main criticism that I get with this. The first few templates that I added to the site were my own personal templates I used for projects, and I just decided to share them and see what kind of response I got because I didn't like the amount/quantity of the starter templates that Bootstrap had to offer. The response was good, so I kept going, but I do see your point.

I mentioned up in another post that using Start Bootstrap, or using Bootstrap at all for that matter, will never replace the artistic capability, uniqueness, and flexibility of designing a project from scratch.

I was thinking almost the same... "starter templates" for... for what... for something called "bootstrap"...

I don't know too much about recursion, but finally I like what I did see after follow the link :-)

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