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DRY your Rails CRUD with Simple Form and Inherited Resources (petekeen.net)
41 points by zrail on Sept 23, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Excellent, just did the same thing about a month ago (for https://codeable.io). We wanted to use Rails 4 but Active Admin didn't want to play nicely, so I looked around (and checked it's dependencies) and came to the same conclusion. One additional gem I'd recommend with this setup is also Ransack (AA also uses it) that allows you to easily implement searching.

After I was done, I wrote pretty much the same amount of code I used to configure AA.

ActiveAdmin is now compatible with Rails 4 on master, unsure if they've released it yet: https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin/blob/master/activea...

I don't use ActiveAdmin much, but I do have RailsAdmin set up on Rails 4, no problems:

    $ grep \'rails Gemfile
    gem 'rails', '~> 4.0'
    gem 'rails_admin',  '~> 0.5.0'

ActiveAdmin is usually pretty horrible when it comes to releases.

Ransack looks great, thanks for the recommendation!

I love SimpleForm, but I still wouldn't want to roll my own administrative interface. With RailsAdmin, I make changes to my database schema, or add a new model, and those changes are automatically reflected in my admin interface. One less thing to maintain.

Also, I don't have to write any CSS, I get PJAX thrown in for free, and I inevitably have clients say "oooh, pretty" without any extra effort on my part.

They also say "How did you build this so quickly?", which I have no complaints over.

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