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This is cart-before-the-horse-ism.

Where did this trend come from to use presentation frameworks as a barometer for developing semantic markup?

Go to http://schema.org to understand what descriptive semantics is about.

"What it looks like" is not basis for initiating a project into generic semantic structures that involve interoperability with existing, mature systems.

These exercises really need to stop. There are no "three column grids" in e-mails. C'mon, folks !

How can we get drag-and-drag complex objects from microdata? — This is a question of semantics, and this framework follows a principle of "UI is the language of the web." With this axiom, one cannot even begin to talk about interoperable/shared semantics!

Following such a principle, what do we end up saying about the lingua franca of the Web, HTML, which does not describe any UI component? We're not "writing for UIs"; we're writing for other humans, and possibly other species which can parse a base language. If all we're writing for is the UI, we'd first need to describe our grammar before we can begin to send a message, and this is clearly not the case with natural language. We describe what we [mean] before we go about describing how we meant it!

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