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One of the posters re-posted a comment that this is a fragment of:

"The Internet was built on, and runs on, trust. Every postmaster, every network engineer, every webmaster, every system admin, every hostmaster, everyone crafting standards, everyone writing code, trusts that everyone else -- no matter how vehemently they disagree on a technical point -- is acting in good faith. The NSA, in its enormous arrogance, has single-handedly destroyed much of that trust overnight."

Commerce also runs on trust. The US dollar bill is a promise backed by debt...

In one case, I am seeing more evidence not to trust the US authorities. In the other, I am seeing evidence not to trust the US financial structure.

This current age is getting really strange/disquieting/fragile to me... (I reside in the US) Am I one of only a few? Or many?

It's feeling like that slippery slope when conspiracy theories start being found out as truth...

A conspiracy theory is actually a hypothesis which has not been proven at the end of the day. To label any hypothesis as a conspiracy theory without proper investigation is bad science however ridiculous it sounds.

The problem is not that a hypothesis has been proven but the fact we've been trained to accept that labelling something as a conspiracy theory means that we don't need to test it again and that those who are involved are not credible.

That applies to a lot of things that we think are gospel. We've been fed 'facts' without proper evaluation for a long time.

Even the traditionally crazy things such as AIDS being engineered, holocaust denial and WTC being an inside job are fair cop for scientific investigation. I'll probably get downvoted for being rational on that one which will illustrate my point.

I feel exactly the same way. (US citizen here.)

My country abuses its people and can't be trusted.

At least in the past, people had somewhere to flee to (here). Now, I don't know where to go.

It doesn't seem like it's even worth trying to fight it.

There are several movements afoot to regain locality as a source of power. Here in the US Pacific Northwest, there are a number of groups traveling and speaking about bioregions. I have heard from several eloquent speakers of first nations peoples who have a similar, healthy message to impart.

I am beginning to think something like this may be an alternative that I can put my efforts behind: Minimize my interaction with large US government and instead focus on making my small area as healthy as possible, economically, socially, regionally (eco/land), and living being health-wise (plants, animals, AND humans).

This would seem to be an extension of think globally, act locally.

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