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Um, no. See under Linux Desktop. Big fail, over all these years, even if it's more capable of Windows. It's more capable of Mac, too, and guess what most nerdy types with enough money buys?

Users don't give a damn about Open Source. They don't even know what Open Source is (just ask some average teen girl with Android phone what she thinks about Android openness). What they want is an acceptable shiny device that does things. Samsung provides that. Apple provides that.

Even if users don't care about Open Source, Linux being available for people to run cheap, secure, reliable servers have been a huge win for users as it has been a catalyst for the web.

Similarly, having the Android source code available has increased the amount of handset manufacturers who choose to use it and increasing competition, putting on downward price pressure.

Maybe he's right? I wonder how many Raspberry Pi's would've sold at $150.00/ea with WinCE included? /sarcasm

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