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As venomsnake points out, the concern is not these "unfortunate episodes"--aberrations of justice do happen from time to time, and though we ought strive for perfection it is only human that sometimes we'll goof.

No, no, what is troubling is when you look at the system as a whole and how it is evolving, and you start to ask questions:

1. Is there a best effort attempt at justice for all?

2. Is there any ongoing program to limit and reduce .gov security organs?

3. Is there anything to be done peacefully if the .gov security organ decides to attack dissenters?

4. What is the cost of non-peacefully reigning in a malfunctioning .gov security organ?

1 is far from sure, 2 is a no, and 3 is an empathic "oh shit", and 4 is just a shitshow.

The concern must not be "how bad are the outliers today"--the concern must be "are we setting up a system which will be infeasible to repair in the next five to ten years".

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