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Installing linux on a hard drive never sounded impressive before.

Well, to be fair, it's a bit of a pain with UEFI.

But this is really amazing. I'd love to see how it could be extended to other OSes, if possible?

I'm not sure about the other controllers, but if this one has a Cortex M3, then anything that runs on an M3 could hypothetically be ported.

One of the SE sites assembled a list. Shockingly, the question isn't closed yet!


The Feroceon CPUs are pretty hefty too. They're powering the Marvell Kirkwood platform which is used in things like the Sheevaplug and some of the QNAP TS-* NAS devices. Debian runs great on those. (2.0ghz CPU, 512mb ram). Probably the biggest trouble here is the lack of an MMU (?) .

uclinux can run on mmu-less systems, so I do suspect you can run Linux on this hard drive.

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