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Scams aside, it would be interesting to use some of these techniques on landing pages for legitimate, valuable SaaS apps.

"One weird trick to improve your SEO/conversions/customer satisfaction/whatver KPI" which links to a page with a crude, long-form, un-pausable video. After that, you could probably at least get them to create a trial account.

Has/would anyone try this?

I'm certain that people have, but (as the article mentions) part of the point of these is to lure a certain kind of unsophisticated consumer while filtering out the others, which is not exactly a strategy you want to pursue for SaaS.

"Scams aside", your scam would work as well as theirs.

It's not a scam because of the way they hook users, it's a scam because the end product doesn't work. If callmeed has a genuine, decent product at the end of it then his version wouldn't be a scam, even if he marketed it the same way as these guys.

It's a scam because it deliberately attempts to undermine the reader's ability to determine if the product being sold is factually able to do what it says. These techniques take advantage of distorting information literacy in order to make a sale, regardless of the effectiveness of the product.

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