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page 4.

You realize these numbers are not for transactional (ACID) updates, right? They are with write cache enabled, meaning a power failure would cause data reported as written not to be available. I hope it doesn't mean data corruption, if someone has tested this I'd like to hear from them.

For ACID storage, one transaction per disk rotation is pretty much a theoretical limit for sustained performance.

> For ACID storage, one transaction per disk rotation is pretty much a theoretical limit for sustained performance.

Why? There's nothing about "all or nothing" that forbids performing independent application-level commits with a single implementation-level commit. And, it's even possible to do application-level-dependent commits at the same time. (Yes, it's tricky.)

And, you can have commits on different spindles. And, you can do multiple writes during a single rotation.

Those numbers are probably from non-real world benchmark tests of sequential read/write. You probably never reach to those levels and when put TT to the equation # will decrease even more.

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