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This seems like a great time to plug RequestPolicy:

"ReuestPolicy is a Firefox extension that improves the privacy and security of your browsing by giving you control over when cross-site requests are allowed by webpages you visit."[1]

It is even better if you pair it with NoScript.[2] Whenever I toy with the idea of switching to Chrome I am always end up sticking with iceweasel because of the lack of equivalent RP+NS functionality in Chrome. If you are currently using ghostery I highly suggest you switch to RP+NS.

[1] https://www.requestpolicy.com/index.html

[2] http://noscript.net/

I used to use RequestPolicy and thought it was great and did what it said it would. But it broke a lot of things like buying something on Newegg. I was afraid to allow something and try again thinking I would be charged twice.

Ghostery, while not as strict seems like a nice compromise. My mom uses it and she doesn't even notice it.

I think ghostery is probably the better choice for non-tech folks. You are a better son than I am, I should install ghostery or my mother. For people with a little time and basic knowledge of how the web works I think NS+RP is the way to go.

I've tried noscript and it breaks most things. Ghostery quite rarely breaks things.

There are two schools of thought for privacy enhancing technologies. The ghostery model is to try not to be disruptive and to ask as little as possible of the user. No script takes the other approach which is a "default block" and require the user to whitelist sites that she needs to work.

Right, and that will break a majority of websites out there, because they sniffed a fully capable desktop browser but the JS they sent as a result of the sniffing failed.

Default block doesn't work.

I completey agree. Default block does not work for a userbase that does not have the time or inclination to read the documentation and configure it to meet their needs.

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