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Nice to see a nosql database written in go. By the way your repository structure is incompatible with "go get".

Much appreciated! I will soon configure my web server to be compatible with `go get`.

We've done a few of them here. Notably:

* http://cbgb.io/

* http://dustin.github.io/2012/09/09/seriesly.html

* https://github.com/couchbaselabs/sync_gateway

cbgb is an API compatible Couchbase implementation in go. We use it in place of couchbase when we need something tiny to play around with.

seriesly is a time series database for storing and aggregating sample data and doing things like this: http://bleu.west.spy.net/~dustin/seriesly/

sync_gateway is how our mobile team synchronizes data across all your phones and tablets and your central DB.

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