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Replacing the title with "Come back! We miss you!" when you leave the tab is cute but it makes finding the article in a sea of tabs difficult.

I didn't find it cute, but rather annoying.

I completely agree. It's awesome in theory, but I would hate this feature if tons of sites started using it. It could get out of hand very quickly.

I don't know what theory it's awesome under, but I have to disagree with that. I want titles to describe the content of their page.

It's an awesome eye-catcher, they should make a JQuery plugin (if it doesn't already exist). And the code is rather (minified) simple:


No need for a jQuery plugin, it's simple to do. I noticed it too and looked through their JS and found it to be way more complicated than it needs, using jQuery.


Nothing on the page but the code, so open that in a new tab and swap tabs to see it in action.

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