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I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Congrats to the Rails team!

Now I just need a good book on Rails 4.0 or for Michael Hartl to update the Rails tutorial.

He has already updated it, not sure if it is the final version yet: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book?ve...

Yea I've seen that but I don't want to start until I know it accounts for the final version of 4.0. When he first released it for 4.0 beta, there were major inconsistencies between that and one of the release candidates.

Obie says above it has been "fully updated".

Ah ok - didn't know that :)

I've been going through the Rails 4.0 beta book over the past week or two. I'm just over 50% of the way through and have done all the optional exercises too. So far, I've not found a single problem.

Have you considered "The Rails 4 Way"?

When it's finished, I'm a fan of Rails 3 Way

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