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Show HN: Playable Ultimate Tic Tac Toe (ken-soft.com)
160 points by KennyCason on June 19, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 50 comments

matchu posted an implementation earlier today (with an AI!) using the Khan Academy CS environment:


Nice. I guess I definitely have to build AI now haha

Inspired by the recent Hacker News post (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5898506) and my desire to tinker with HTML5 a bit :) I was trying to make a nice "color pencil" effect, but still have some work to do.

Fwiw I found this one better and it has a rudimentary AI too.

(not mine)


Thanks for the plug. I too hacked it out in a couple of hours after reading the article.

Nice. Good job!:)

Cool. I'll add AI mine to mine later. It was a quick two hour hack. Thanks for the link to another one. I'll see what they did for AI. Though I'll probably employ a simple alpha-beta pruning alg

It's fun to see that whenever a game concept reaches the front page there are at least 10 different implementations done within hours. Good job.

Thanks, I woke up around lunch and saw the post and was like, well, I guess I know what I'm doing today. Honestly I only originally planned on working on my "color pencil" line drawing. haha

Nice... it'd be really cool to get an AI to play against as well.

Doing the AI would be fun... it seems like one of those cases where Haskell/Clojure could provide a very elegant solution.

Love me some haskell. been playing with it for the past month as well. Have a mostly functioning BEP NN on my github. though for a problem like this AI would be simple :)

It'd be one of those things that's 40 lines of Java, 15 lines of Ruby, 2 lines of Haskell... :) if you do it, post it! I'll hack on it tomorrow with my Haskell guru/mentor (I am not strong in functional languages yet)

Haha it would be a fun haskell algorithm to write:)

I only had about 2-3 hours to work on it. :) But I agree it would be fun to add. I'll repost if I add AI in the future.

Oh yea, definitely not complaining.

Hah, that was the first thing I thought about when I read the article yesterday. Then I checked out ultimatetictactoe.com and found it was registered the same day and I got sad :(

Very sad :/

Fixed random mouse offset bug & whenever all tile become playable, they are all highlighted. With the exception of the start state (As I think it looks better white)

Also added fork on github link

Now to make a multiplayer version... I would use Firebase and Angular probably. Unfortunately I don't feel like staying up all night on a project tonight :-p

V2.0 coming to a browser near you!

I'd love to see an HN competition of AIs learning and playing UltimateTicTacToe.

I'm inclined to say there are already a few simple AIs that play perfectly, so it would likel not be that exciting :/

http://i.imgur.com/QuPvQyF.png this is the bug i found with this game, how x can win, when I(in blue) scored 4 before x reaches 3

The goal is not to win the most boards, but to complete 3 in a row on the large board by winning the small boards. If you're aware of that, I'm not sure what you're claiming the bug is. Could you clarify?

X got three in a row

I like it. The green highlighting of the active subboard is too subtle and sometimes I miss it. Another option is to flash the active subboard when the players try to use another subboard.

Yeah, I uploaded originally without the highlighting, but I kept getting lost as well haha

thats pretty cool

edit: oops, stuck http://i.imgur.com/nTOJq1F.png

All software is accepted as is.. Etc etc haha jk thanks! I'll check what happened!

I just played out this scenario, at this point player O must select any empty space.

Thanks. I thought that was supposed to happen. Perhaps it was confusing because I didn't highlight all the squares:)

This can happen in various scenarios, basically giving the player a choice of any empty space on the scree. I consider that a fair rule.

I was messing with this the last few hours... beat me to it :) well done! What'd you use?

Cool:) just used JQuery and canvas. I built all the draw functions myself just to get more familiar with HTML5

If I would be unemployed, I would create ultimate 3D tic tac toe for hardcore players.

Step 1: quit job Step 2: create ultimate 3d tic tac toe

Nice job Kenny! We should play sometime.

Sure! let me get the multi-player and AI-Complete version done, or we could bust out the marker board/paper :)

Ahh damn, that was going to be what my fork of your project was going to do.

I'll just leave you to it, then :p

Well, if you want, do the multi-player part, i'm more interested in the AI, doing a quck min-max AI solution

almost done....

Too bad the first player always wins.

First turn should belong to X not O.

fortunately that is very easy to fix, done.

This is cool.

nice work man


don't have time to play, contributing to LLVM...

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