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Not sure if you were trying to be snarky with the lmgtfy but that didn't actually bring anything up.

Look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies

I quickly looked through them and didn't find anything directly relating to symbolic logic. Most of symbolic logic was trying to understand what was at first pretty confusing notation and then trying to figure out how to represent things like sets without using Venn Diagrams.

At the end of the day I don't think you start to understand any larger truths about logic. Knowing how to write out De Morgan's law with symbols is frankly kinda useless.

Maybe it helps with mathematical thinking, but that's not relevant to most people.

I didn't mean to imply that the fallacies have anything in particular to contribute to symbolic logic. It's just that, when one takes a logic course, one expects to leave the class with better logical skills, both formal and informal. Gracefully, most logic teachers and books take the time to briefly cover some additional topics such as the fallacies.

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