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This stuff is pretty hard to get right when doing it all by heart. Last year I tried to make a multiplayer fighter on a hexagonal grid using websockets for a Ludum Dare, but I wasted the first day on making moving around on the hexagonal grid work, and the second on making the multiplayer code work, so at the end of the 48 hours the game was working technically, but I had no art whatsoever, and it wasn't fun at all :P

Ofcourse if I had taken the time to look for resources on building hexagonal game I would have found a lot of things like this article (though probably not as concisely summarised as in this one), but for some reason it didn't occur to me that it could actually be hard, since it seems like it's just some simple trigonometry.

Others said it was a fools errand to make a multiplayer game for a Ludum Dare (48 hour game compo), but actually if I hadn't been so stubborn with the hexagons I think I would have had enough time to build a pretty cool game.

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