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Ask HN: What's the best source to learn advanced Python?
11 points by theboss123 on May 10, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I have completed all of the codecademy python, javascript and HTML tutorials, I've read the O'reilly's "Head first" python series and completed every other tutorial you can imagine

The basics have been mastered, unfortunately there is no way for me to find out how I could build a mobile app of let's say a mail organizer or a photo sharing app

The tutorials for basic python are plentiful, but is there an A to Z guide to actually build something useful using python?

I think you ought to check out Udacity.com. They have everything from Intro classes to classes on Artificial Intelligence, to Parallel Programming, and they are mostly taught in Python. The homework and projects are challenging, and will get you thinking like a programmer.

Codecademy is a bit of a joke in comparison...

Second the Udacity courses. A lot more meat than the normal beginner stuff. If you're feeling ambitious the Norvig course is good.


The programming languages (cs262) or web development (cs253) courses would probably be a better place to start.

The intro course is also worth taking a look at.

You can't learn advanced features in tutorials. Advanced features are usually solutions to complex problems in software design and development. And unless you're already an accomplished software developer, you'll have to start working on real-purpose programs to fully grasp, what an advanced is about and why it might be useful for you to make use of it in the task at hand.

You could always look at open source projects that use Python to get an overview of how design and dev work is done, and dive into whatever you feel comfortable with.

Learning Python the Hard Way by Zed Shaw is a good book if you're looking to learn some of the more esoteric features of Python.

Agreed re: looking at well written open source code.

For example, take a look at the source code for Flask, the micro-framework: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask

I think its time you make a decision on what you want to build and build it. Along the way you will master it by doing research when you are stuck.

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