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> Brie de Meaux honks like stale feet anyway!

Not sure what your point is, it's still delicious. Also brie is not the worst smelling cheese by a very long shot. Maroilles is way worse and used in tarts (a common saying is that after you make a maroilles tart you have to throw out the oven).

And of course they have nothing on (non-cheese) surströmming or hákarl

I just meant that you're not necessarily missing out, IMHO.

Brie in general I love. But the only time I've tried brie de meaux from unpasteurised milk it really, really stank and I didn't care for the taste either. And I will eat most ripe and blue cheeses happily.

I've yet to try surstromming after being warned off it by a Swedish friend. Of course he didn't seem to like any Swedish food so may not be the best person to listen to on that count!

> I just meant that you're not necessarily missing out, IMHO.

If that's what you meant, I can only state that, as far as I'm concerned, you're definitely and unambiguously wrong.

Stinking Bishop and Epoisses can clear a house

Vieux Lille FTW! I have family in Nord Pas De Calais who dip it in their coffee in the morning.

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