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If writing tests (or production code) is boring, then you probably have design problems. Boredom is a sign of duplication--not cut-and-paste duplication, but the more insidious duplication caused by poor abstractions.

In the example you gave (of a mocked up service), what would happen if you didn't mock the service? That would mean you couldn't call the service in your tests, right? (Except the tests that tested the service integration explicitly.) How could you change your design to make your code testable under that constraint?

The answer depends on your situation, but one way I've seen this play out in the past is to make more value objects and create a domain layer that operates on value objects rather than the service. The service is responsible for creating and persisting the value objects, but the domain layer handles the real work of the application.

As a result, testing the important part of the application can be done completely independently of the service. No mocks required. Now I can upgrade to FooService2 without changing any tests except for FooServiceConnection's. My value objects and domain layer remain unchanged.

If you're bored while programming, look for the duplication hiding in your design. In the case you're describing, it's hiding in the oft-repeated dependencies on FooService.

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