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> mostly because more needed to be done

I agree, and think your comment is insightful, but let me add a little nuance to it.

I've been doing a lot of work with Node lately. In my experience:

1. I generally don't have trouble finding a module (library) that addresses my particular need. (I.e., when I go look for a library that does X, I generally find it.) It does happen, but a lot less often than I expected.

2. I generally don't have the opposite problem either. While in some ecosystems one finds so many libraries to address a particular need that it is hard to choose among them, in my experience that isn't (yet) a big problem with Node. It does happen, but less than it does in, say, Ruby (or for that matter emacs-lisp) and it is generally pretty easy to identify the "market-leader" as it were.

3. The problem that I do run into in Node (with greater frequency than most ecosystems I've worked with) is that I'll stumble across minor bugs in the modules I'm using. These tend to be moderately easy-to-fix issues that crop up in moderately-rare edge-cases, but they are definitely there. (I suppose this speaks to the relative maturity of the ecosystem.)

Counter-intuitively, I think this may actually be a good thing for the Node ecosystem. I'm reminded of the advice to open source developers to essentially "leave something broken" (or incomplete) so that potential contributors can make small-scale contributions [1]. A library that is too complete and well-designed is hard to contribute to (without investing a lot of time in understanding the architecture and direction of the project overall), but if you've got a library that does 95% percent of what you want, but fails on that one small edge case, more contributors are both willing and able to roll up their sleeves to scratch their particular itch.

[1] I can't remember or google-conjure the source of this advice right now. For some reason I think it might have been Marc Andreessen, but it sure sounds like something ESR would say.

I certainly agree about the maturity/lots of small patches to existing packages part. I would guess that LOC growth in Node is (proportional to, say, Ruby) even higher than the package growth for exactly this reason: not only are there a lot of new packages, but a lot of churn in existing ones. I'll add that the lots-of-small-packages thing makes it easier for us to parachute in, grok the code base, fix the issue, and submit a PR. That's part of what makes Node fun, I think.

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