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Thank you! Yeah, I've taken this past year for myself to figure things out and go slow.

I'm in the US and sadly things aren't that simple - memory loss in and of itself is not grounds for any kind of financial support since it doesn't qualify as disability.

I do really wish that I was in Europe since I've found the lack of proper medical care I've received shocking and I feel that perhaps the government or local programs would offer support that just isn't available here.

Are you sure you can't qualify in the US? A quick Google search for "memory loss disability" suggests you may have some options. A recent story on NPR [1] suggests the examining MD has some discretion in deciding if you qualify for disability. I hope things get better soon.

[1] http://apps.npr.org/unfit-for-work/

Perhaps Step #1 should be to find a way to move to Europe.

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