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I wasn't talking about backups I was talking about a Recovery option which allows you to boot into linux and mount your existing virtual drives to extract data or fix errors/look at logs.

Hmm, I still don't follow you. Does Linode have this? After moving I haven't found any difference in features. Perhaps I just wasn't using this on Linode? What does it let you do that restoring from a backup can't?

(The use case in this thread is backups as voidlogic mentioned.)

The use case I gave was looking up logs to see how something failed and to access files that aren't backed up but still exist on the virtual drive (this can happen when the OS fails to boot). You can also repair the virtual install if you accidentally messed up a configuration file or something like that.

And yes linode has this: http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Finnix_LiveCD_Recovery_...

Ah, thanks.

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