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In the US, it's ok IFF you use recycled Halon. Halon 1211 is still ~2x as effective as the nearest "friendly" alternatives (Halotron). For a facility-scale installed system, using an alternative agent is worth it, because you can just use 2x as much chemical. For a handheld, 5-10 pound is the biggest someone will realistically carry, so having more power is worth it. My goal is to not expend this agent in the next 5-10 years, and to lose maybe 5% during that period, so there's really no downside to the environment in having it in my 3 x 5lb extinguishers vs. in the presumably older extinguishers someone else had. I hope in a decade there is a better alternative, or I'll get them topped up (you're supposed to inspect them every year or 5 years depending on where they're used, but generally a 5-10y lifespan is reasonable).

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