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The point is that a properly designed API wouldn't require any amount of scaffolding. You'd go:

    fs.statMany(filenames, function (stats) { ... });

    var statsPromise = fs.statMany(filenames);
And then in either case, you'd just use a for-loop or forEach or whatever your preference on the result. No thinking about how to preserve complex invariants or whatever is necessary.

Hell, with ES6 generator-y expressions you could make it even more succinct, something like:

    var result;
    fs.statMany(filenames, function (stats) { result = [... for x in stats]; });
No push nonsense, no nested if statements, no need to explicitly invoke async.parallel or whatever. Just clarity.

Sorry, I don't see no clarity there. And how would that fix the fact that stat works in individual files?, and more importantly, how does a function like that handles error? Individual level, group level? It is confusing.

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