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I used Go's benchmarking tool to compare raw routing performance of various frameworks. The handlers all return a simple "Hello World" string. Here are the results:

  Benchmark_Routes           100000	     13945 ns/op
  Benchmark_Pat              500000	      6068 ns/op
  Benchmark_GorillaHandler   200000	     11042 ns/op
  Benchmark_Webgo            100000	     26350 ns/op
  ok  	github.com/bradrydzewski/routes/bench	12.605s
I then ran the same benchmark, but this time I modified the handler to serialize a struct to JSON and write to the response. Here are the results:

  Benchmark_Routes              100000	     21446 ns/op
  Benchmark_Pat                 100000	     14130 ns/op
  Benchmark_GorillaHandler      100000	     17735 ns/op
  Benchmark_Webgo                50000	     33726 ns/op
  ok  	github.com/bradrydzewski/routes/bench	9.805s
In the first test, Pat is almost twice as a fast as the Gorilla framework. In the second test, when we added a bit more logic to the handler (marshaling a struct to JSON), Pat was only about 18% faster than Gorilla. In fact, it turns out it takes longer to serialize to JSON (8000ns) than it does for Pat to route and serve the request (6000ns).

Now, imagine I created a third benchmark that did something more complex, like executing a database query and serving the results using the html/template package. There would be a negligible difference in performance across frameworks because routing is not going to be your bottleneck.

I would personally choose my framework not just based on performance, but also based on productivity. One that can help me write code that is easier to test and easier to maintain in the long run.

rorr, you appear to be hellbanned. Here's your comment, since it seemed like a reasonable one:

> Now, imagine I created a third benchmark that did something more complex, like executing a database query and serving the results using the html/template package. There would be a negligible difference in performance across frameworks because routing is not going to be your bottleneck. If you're performing a DB query on every request, you're doing something wrong. In the real world your app will check Memcached, and if there's a cached response, it will return it. Thus making the framework performance quite important.

Ok, so I added a third benchmark where the handler gets and item from memcache (NOT from a database). Here are the results:

  Benchmark_Routes             10000	    234063 ns/op
  Benchmark_Pat                10000	    233162 ns/op
  Benchmark_GorillaHandler      5000	    265943 ns/op
  Benchmark_Webgo               5000	    348349 ns/op
  ok  	github.com/bradrydzewski/routes/bench	10.062s
Notice the top 3 frameworks (pat, routes and Gorialla) have almost identical performance results. The point being is that routing and string manipulation are relatively inexpensive when compared to even the most lightweight TCP request, in this case to the memcache server.

By the way:


More SPEEEEEEEEEEEEED coming down the pipe in 1.1 for Go's net/http. :)

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