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Good writeup, and I agree with much of his post. Going back to Java from C# at the language level is just painful.

The Java library/framework is more complete and diverse than the .NET one, but it's actually improved alot for .NET in recent years with Microsoft becoming much more open source friendly, the ALT.DEV community, Mono, etc... The .NET community is much more comfortable with alternative not from Microsoft these days than in the past.

IMHO though, the JVM has a better alternative language ecosystem than the .NET one. Yeah, .NET has F# builtin to VS these days, but doesn't have things like Scala/Clojure (not first class citizens), Kotlin, Ceylon, etc...

> IMHO though, the JVM has a better alternative language ecosystem than the .NET one. Yeah, .NET has F# builtin to VS these days, but doesn't have things like Scala/Clojure (not first class citizens), Kotlin, Ceylon, etc...

And the irony is: .net was touted initially as a polyglot platform, whereas JVM has been primarily associated with Java only.

There's really not much irony there. VB.NET and C# were released together from the beginning, where Sun only thought of Java (the language) until too late in the game for them.

Sun was screwed because of factors beyond Java, but because of internal politics there, they never realized the full potential of the JVM.

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