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Fyi, I believe this is actually a gay couple given the author's name is Peter and his partner is named Danny.

Which makes the judge even more amazing in my book.

10 years ago it was more then extraordinary to entrust a gay couple with adopting a child.

Times and attitudes have changed massively in this time, which is a good thing. It's much better for a kid to be brought up by a loving, caring gay couple then in a total dysfunctional traditional marriage.

Oops, my fault for not paying attention to details.

Still, who adopts a child spontaneously without consulting their parter?

The real miracle here is the partner that didn't leave him over it.

In point of fact, quite many babies are conceived against the intent or desire of at least one parent.

And this adoption wasn't completed until Danny signed on. Someone had to start the ball rolling.

Whoa, this isn't a puppy.

You don't adopt a child when you have a partner without even mentioning to them, let alone discussing it.

I mean that's insane, and I don't get the downvotes.

Who the hell adopts a kid while in a long-term relationship without even asking their partner?

It's all good because it turned out okay but seriously who does this? It's a massive life-changing event. You plan these things, otherwise it shows a complete lack of respect.

The parallels in this story to unplanned conception in conventional marriages are so obvious that I wonder if they're deliberate. Many children are brought into the world under exactly the same emotional/psychological circumstances.

In any case, you didn't read the story carefully enough. They went back to court, both of them, to confirm they were both willing to adopt. Had the partner objected, the adoption wouldn't have happened. You're going to have to find something else to find objectionable in this story. :)

>Who the hell adopts a kid while in a long-term relationship without even asking their partner?

Maybe there is context that we're not aware of. Perhaps they had both previously expressed a desire to raise children.

You also don't find a baby. Can we grant this is an extreme circumstance?

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