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Er, because generally you wouldn't want an Islamic fascist state to have nuclear weapons?

They might also think about bombing the US because they don't want an "atheist capitalist state" to have nuclear power. This kind of non-argument can go both ways.

Only if you think that a free liberal state like the US, and a theocracy like Iran where (for instance) they hang people for being gay is in any way morally equivalent.

I was under the impression the US is the only country that have used atom bombs in anger?

I don't trust the US just like I don't trust these Muslim states. Neither are really pro-freedom.

People should read the posting guidelines before down voting.

But an Israeli fascist state having them is okay?

We'll have to deal with that when Israel gets a fascist government, I suppose.

Pop quiz, where did this quote come from: "They are all infiltrators. We must drive them all out."

If it walks like a duck ..

That's the kind of thing that ensures that an Islamic ally with the MAD principle kicks in and fights back. This is ignoring the side effect that any damaging nuke would send fallout over the entire middle east, including Israel and other allies.

No-one is talking about nuking Iran, just stopping them from getting them.

Islamic? What's that got to do with anything?

Oh, I forgot, "they" are all rag head, terrorist, fundamental nut job ay-rabs.

Because Islamo-fascism in the form of Al Qaeda and its friends seems to be waging war on the west at the moment in the name of Islam.

I was under the impression that the US started this war with their questionable military efforts abroad?

Pretty sure the US armed a lot of the terrorists in the first place. When you suck the resources out of the world and push people into starvation whilst living in the land of plenty, you're obviously going to become a target.

Maybe the US is ALSO the problem here?

Wtf does "Islamo-fascism" mean?

There are millions of Muslims representing hundreds of view points.

"All Christians are homophobic retards." What? There's nothing wrong with that statement. It describes those Westboro morons and therefore can be extrapolated to every Christian, right?

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