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Do you even know how forums work? Did you even read this thread? When I click the reply button to levels down am I replying the parent comment or the OP?

The sole reason I'm here is to find out what's new and fun in Ruby. The reason I'm replying is because I see people spreading FUD again about Python's whitespace rules without anything to back it up.

I've seen tons of derogatory names Java, C, C++ people call Pythonistas, Rubyists and Perlists scripting kiddies and such. I've seen some pretty prominent Perl hackers (Sam Tregar and others) complaining about Python's range start at 0 and such.

Stop living in a paranoia bubble and think everyone is against you.

For all intensive purposes, Python and Ruby are practically equivalent. So equivalent, in fact, that we have to find absolutely pointless differences to argue about since there are no actual significant differences worth mentioning.

No one is against anyone. Python is great. Some people dislike whitespace restrictions. Who cares? Just because they dislike a characteristic of your preferred language does not mean they think it's lesser or are trying to demean or belittle it in any way. Stop arguing about it already.

As you said, "Stop living in a paranoia bubble and think everyone is against you."

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