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I think that's the post you are referring to. He sums up nicely why this standard style of 'on / off' slider is a terrible UI choice.

I would point out that in Apple's iOS case, the sliders are always consistent in two ways:

- The slider always displays the current value. So the UI reads quite naturally: "Airplane Mode is OFF".

- The "Off" value is always without color (gray, matching the background of the UI), and the "On" value is shown with a vivid color, indicating it's active.

I never found them to be confusing in iOS myself. But consistency is very important so that you don't break the user's trust.

They are not a terrible choice. On the contrary! They are used everywhere in iOS! Would Apple do that if it was not intuitive and perfect?

This is a case where Apple got it wrong and everyone copied Apple anyway because Apple. Seriously though, I'm not sure Apple invented these switches but they sure helped popularize them. And yes, I do think they are terrible.

Sorry, I made a sarcastic comment without closing the tab before posting. Not HN etiquette.

I knew you were being sarcastic. I was just adding my agreeing comment :)

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