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I'll wait for AntiRez to chime in. It is possible that ZMQ has better performance than Redis, because the Redis server has to parse the request and then act on it, and then there's the marshalling on the client side; with ZMQ, you're just sending a command. I'm not sure if Redis has an efficient binary protocol, but having that may eliminate some of the bottleneck?

From the graphs it doesn't look that ZMQ has generally better peformance; it depends on the number of clients and whether they run on Python or Go. It's pretty interesting:

- For up to 4 clients, (buffered) redis is better than 0MQ in Python but worse in Go.

- For more than 4 clients it's exactly the opposite: redis is worse in Python but better in Go.

I'd be interested to hear an explanation for this, even if it turns out that a graph line was mislabeled :)

Seems that latency was not measured. I'd expect it to be much lower in 0mq. First there is no intermediate server, and secondly you don't have to wait for the flush thread to send a message.

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