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intrigued by your comment; may I ask why specifically? two guesses come to mind: comparably fast internet (if not on the exact level as Fiber) is relatively standard there, or the fact that a freemium style housing arrangement for entrepreneur(ship) is more standard practice- even government supported?

I would guess that he refers to moving somewhere to get a good internet connection. Fiber has become increasingly available the past 2-3yrs. This article says that, as of 2011, 49% of Swedish household could sign up for internet speeds of least 100mb/s [1].

[1]. http://www.pts.se/sv/Dokument/Rapporter/Internet/20122/PTS-b...

More and more European countries have Fiber to the Home in urban areas.

I live in average sized town in the Netherlands. I pay Euro 50 per month ($65) for 100 Mbit up & down. That price includes unlimited bandwidth (placing servers is allowed), full cable, and a HD DVR.

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