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Significant whitespace in Python was a significant factor in my decision to get proficient in Ruby over Python.

Yes, I hate it that much, and I know quite a few Ruby devs with similar views...

Here's how I look at it: I indent my code properly and my team does the same. If we're already doing the right thing where whitespace is concerned, why not reap some benefits from it?

Of course, I also use Coffeescript and Haml...

Of course, I also use Coffeescript and Haml...

I'm curious: why not use Python then as well?

He's saying that him and his team indent their code correctly anyway, so it might as well be significant

I'm asking if someone wants a language like Ruby but with significant white-space why not use Python?

I'm pretty sure his comment is indicating he _does_ use Python and that is his take on the "significant whitespace" issue.

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