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Seriously, people, learn how to read a backtrace. This is hacker news, not social-media-manager-who-claims-they-are-a-geek news.

Great. Now, can you say who ever said that it was voodoo ?

I only see someone who said that it was safe to type it in a software, but I can be wrong.

> can you say who ever said that it was voodoo

Listing every single app under the sun when it's completely obvious a common and widely used component (doesn't matter what's its name so really no need to know Cocoa and that it's probably NSTextView) is used is acknowledging it as voodoo.

No. It's being curious as to what you might be able to do with it. In my case, bricking Messages.app until they send themselves lots of messages.

Voodoo is in your mind, perhaps, but not those who found it interesting which apps use NSTextView and which don't.

Right now, Sublime seems to be the only one. Anyone care to try TextMate?

The likelihood of python/ruby/PHP/etc. programmer being able to interpret a native code stack trace is... what? Probably quite low. They might not even know what the function call names imply. And yet they'd fit perfectly in to this site's readership.

I'm not a social media manager. I'm an engineer. I was making list from casual testing and giggling.

You mean this isn't Slashdot?

Couldn't have said it better.

People act completely stupid when it comes to their OS. HOLY SHIT THERE'S A STANDARD TEXT FIELD CLASS?!?!?! APPLE IS DOOMZ0R3D!! Be a champ and submit these kind of things to your local devs and (as the super "hacker" posters say) carry on...

Oh, please. What is a standard text field class doing with the text inputted into it that would cause an entire app to crash? It's a ridiculous scenario.

Would you have the standard text field run in a separate process sandbox? Or not have standard widgets shared between apps? Or just try real hard to write code without bugs?

Uh, no - this is more of a "don't execute code in a textbox" thing.

Do you understand how the text box gets onto your screen?


A great way around this would be for the system to ignore exceptions unless it was caught... wait nevermind

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