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Ask HN: What websites does your keyboard map to
5 points by andreipop on Jan 20, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
in chrome when I hit one key + tab + enter

t > twitter.com y > youtube.com p > pivotaltracker.com a > analytics.google.com s > stasishq.com (my company) d > designcodelearn.com (my blog) f > facebook.com g > github.com h > heroku.com l > linkedin.com x > xkcd.com c > calendar.google.com n > news.ycombinator.com m > mail.google.com

t -> techcrunch.com, r -> reddit.com, a -> (my banks website), o -> http://outgrow.me/ (weird, I must never use o), n -> news.ycombinator.com, m -> myfitnesspal.com, x,z,v,e,j -> nothing, b -> Large message board in my country, g -> google.com, f -> facebook.com, s -> store.steampowered.com, y -> youtube.com, h -> hipmunk.com (Again, I must never use h since I never ever use hipmunk), k -> http://kisstixx.com/ (Was on sharktank, looked it up once), d -> docs.google.com

I only use two: w > en.wikipedia.org, r > rottentomatoes.com. Everything else is through Google or I directly type the URL.

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