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"...for an act that should have had a maximum penalty of no more than 30 days"

Where are you getting 30 days from?

>Where are you getting 30 days from?

My sense of proportionality?

See also what actual trespass is punished with: http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIV/TitleI/...

My sense of proportionality?

Unfortunately, unless you are a member of congress with a majority backing, that's not worth much.

If he had only trespassed, then 30 days might mean something. But there is reasonable suspicion that he did more than that, according to the laws currently on the books. Are the laws right? Probably not. But it's the US Attorney's job is to uphold those laws as they're. Do they have discretion in how the do so? Yes. Did they use it. Yes.

It is a tragedy that Aaron took his own life. People are emotional right now. We would all like a reason, something that we can point to and change so something like this never happens again. But it's not that simple. The truth is we probably will never fully know the reasons why Aaron took his own life.

But mounting a witch hunt is not the right way to go about it.

>Are the laws right? Probably not.

Hence the trouble.

I've said before that I don't think these prosecutors probably did anything out of the ordinary. But that's the problem. The problem is that this is somehow ordinary. That needs to stop. And making an example out of a high profile situation can be one step to making it stop.

I don't know how much I really care if they get removed or not, and I don't really expect them to, though I certainly wouldn't cry for them if they did. As I see it, it's more a step on the road to fixing the general problem than anything to do with them as individuals. And certainly the problem is bigger than them and doing only that would be wholly inadequate.

>We would all like a reason, something that we can point to and change so something like this never happens again. But it's not that simple.

I think it's more accurate to say that it's not that easy. Because it is pretty simple: We need to change the law so the large majority of existing felonies that don't involve violence, physical injury or personal financial gain cease to be felonies, so that the justice system can stop being a prison factory that inherently requires coercive plea bargains in the overwhelming majority of cases merely in order to stop the system from collapsing under its own weight. That is not a trivial undertaking, but it's entirely solvable if we have the will and the numbers to make it happen.

I think that the current laws are right.

I wish he that didn't take his own life. But remember that it was his choice to break into that building and those networks in the first place.

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