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That's cool, I never really thought of using NaCl on the server side like that.

So you are saying it is a better solution than any combination of Java, Ruby, SELinux, any other regular OS ACL, Xen, or any other virtualization platform?

At least in my experience, most of the codes we expected to run were written in C or C++. We would like to support Java, but it's not an option right now (Native Client doesn't support Java, and I'd need to research the Java sandboxing technologies). Another issue is that we limit memory usage, and Java memory usage tends to be higher than C++ programs; ditto for virtualization. Note that virtualization isn't really a security solution on its own. I can't really see Ruby being the right approach for CPU-intensive computing (we're talking hundreds of thousands of cores, so it's worth investing in making the code efficient).

BTW, I definitely think seccomp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seccomp and linux containers http://lxc.sourceforge.net/ or perhaps OpenVZ: http://wiki.openvz.org/Main_Page

could be engineered into a secure sandbox, without having to resort to virtualization (which I'd like to emphasize isn't really a security solution). This is called "container virtualization" (as compared to hardware/CPU-based), and has a number of very nice properties.

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