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There is a problem that each and every tool for semantic-aware C/C++ refactoring I have tried does not work 100% of the time (i.e. it sucks more than 0%). This happens particularly because C/C++ have header files that expand to huge source files and preprocessor macros driving the parsers nuts because the parsers of the refactoring tools are simplified for speed, and also in a typical C/C++ program there is a number of combinations of macros that can be active or non-active depending on compiler options. So in case of C it always comes out faster, easier and more reliable for me to use basic tools such as search/replace because C has very simple semantics without namespaces. I often do that even in C++ because of the mentioned reasons.

If you are using macros in C++, you are doing it wrong. They are a relic of a bygone age.

Thanks for letting me know, I try to use the macros as little as possible, but there are such things as platform-specific code, compiler differences, third-party libraries, standard libraries such as WinAPI and legacy code.

Platform-specific code is a very good use that precluded me at 1 o'clock this morning.

I tend to wrap legacy code in a C++ wrapper if I can; allowing me to code to a C++ idiomed API, rather than the choice of that particular developer. More often than not, it adds no overhead through the use of inlined functions...

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