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Can't tell if you're trolling, but are you suggesting that riding a bike requires more effort than having a deep relationship with God? I suspect your local religious leader would disagree.

Exercise is good for your body and your mental health. Any sane religion would not discourage it.

Ah right, I should have known that saying something about the effort was going to be taken like that. What I meant is the effort is completely different. The story about biking makes it very obvious that it's just a very temporary happiness that can be achieved by something like that. It's not reliable in any way. You fight for one moment of happiness and you don't even know if it will even come. Wonderful.

Existentialists spend their whole lives chasing fleeting moments of earthly happiness. It's all we got. Don't take it away from us.

If you've managed to find God's love, all the best to you. Still, even if this is your permanent, reliable source of serenity, it does not mean you shouldn't seek happiness in this mortal world as well. Your comment is completely irrelevant.

>Don't take it away from us.

I wasn't taking anything away from you

>Your comment is completely irrelevant to me.


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